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Chapter 50

There were not many Xiayue on the shelves at that time. There were ten bottles in total. After two bottles were ordered by Lucy, there were eight bottles left.

In order to keep the water flowing,? She also set a purchase limit,? Each account can only purchase two bottles.

She looked at the addresses of these orders, one address was outside the city, and the addresses of the remaining three orders were all the same, that is to say, it was the same person who bought the six bottles of essence.

Xia Yue was puzzled, how could someone spend so much money on a new brand that was not well-known?

After frowning and thinking for a while, she didn't get entangled. She packed the product and sent it out while the courier service was still open.

As the Spring Festival approaches, the flavor of the new year is getting stronger and stronger. The business of Xiajia Restaurant has become much deserted as everyone returns to their hometown for the New Year. After finishing today, the restaurant will be closed.

On the contrary, regular customers have more demand for lo-mei. The lo-mei in Xiajia shop is delicious, and it is suitable as a gift for visiting relatives and friends. During the Chinese New Year, people are willing to spend money to treat themselves. Buying is more than ten catties.

In the past few days, the old stew pot in the kitchen has been boiling non-stop. The stewed meat ingredients that Xia Yue brought back could have been sold for two or three months in the new lo-mei store, but now they are sold out in two or three days. It can be seen that the lo-mei business is booming.

The turnover in the few days before the Chinese New Year has caught up with the money earned by the restaurant in half a year! The profit margin is quite large.

As night falls, restaurants close for the year.

Xia Yue followed the elders to clean the restaurant thoroughly. The dead corners were polished, and even the street at the entrance was clean.

Despite the difficulties and ups and downs of the past year, I hope that the coming year will be safe and smooth.

Xia Yue is not someone who can't live without her mobile phone. When she found out that Shi Yu had sent her a message, it was already around nine o'clock in the evening.

After thinking about it, she didn't call, but replied by sending a message.

"It's good that you arrive safely."

Because she didn't know if he was resting now, even though she was full of words to say, in order not to disturb him, she restrained herself and only replied a simple sentence.

Unexpectedly, Shi Yu's video call came over so quickly that the ringtone even startled her.

Xia Yue touched her fast beating heart, and frantically connected the phone.

"Why did it take you so long to reply to my message?" Shi Yu's tone and expression were very aggrieved, and the one who was more affectionate was always worried about gains and losses.

"I didn't check my phone when I had something to do. I'm sorry. I replied as soon as I saw it. Really!" Xia Yue raised her palm and promised.

"Okay, okay, I forgive you."

"Well, how are you today? Are you tired from flying?"

"It's okay, but the food on the plane is too bad. When I go back, can you cook for me? "

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