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Chapter 23

No matter which era women have the same pursuit of beauty, interstellar plants are precious, perfumes, etc. are all extracted from good-smelling ores or deep sea water, and there are quite a lot of varieties.

Hetty felt the death ray thrown by his wife. She couldn't laugh or cry. She pinched her little daughter's nose and said pitifully, "Annie, don't you wrong Dad." He walked to his wife with his daughter in his arms, and bowed down

. |He came to kiss her, and before his wife got angry, he took out the hot stewed meat from the space button,? Xianbao said: "The stewed meat made by the juniors of the Gus family? It tastes very good, you should try it too "

Eileen took it subconsciously, and felt relieved after smelling that the smell was indeed consistent with her husband's.

Such a fragrant smell, let alone Anne,? Even Elena couldn't bear it,? Open the lid, and the brown meat is crowded, with a golden luster.

Annie looked at the stewed meat helplessly, and suddenly stretched out her hand to grab a piece of meat and put it in her mouth, which frightened Hetty and Elena. Annie was weak since she was a child, and she would get sick from time to time, so she was carefully raised. ?Even the nutrient solution is specially formulated by a nutritionist.

"Annie, don't eat it, what to do if you feel uncomfortable after eating it."

"Be obedient, or you will have to take bitter medicine."

Annie was unmoved, her small mouth moved, her hands and face were covered with oil, she dodged her father left and right With my mother's obstruction, I finally ate the first bite of meat in my life.

Her eyes were soaked with a layer of water, and she said aggrievedly: "Annie likes to eat meat."

Hetty and his wife knew their daughter very well. She didn't even look at it, such as the nutrient solution. Eating food every day was the most painful moment for her. She had never expressed her love for food, but now... she actually said that she likes meat?

The couple looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

Annie took this opportunity to eat half full. It was because the braised pork was really salty that she stopped and asked her mother: "Mom, I want to drink water!

" She gave her her exclusive small water bottle, and she and her husband were very pleased to see their daughter drinking water in sips.

Annie is a filial child. Seeing that her mother does not eat meat, she hugged the small water bottle and urged: "Mom, mom, eat quickly, it is delicious."

Elena didn't want to eat it because it was the first thing her daughter liked to eat. It was also the only food she voluntarily wanted to eat. She was afraid that if she ate it herself, her daughter would lose it when she wanted it, but seeing the hope in her daughter's eyes, she still picked up a piece of meat.

It is a pig's ear, lightly bitten by the white teeth, and slightly torn, the crispy and tender meat is separated from the cartilage, the Q is soft and waxy, and the taste is mellow, the more you chew, the more fragrant it becomes.

Lo Mei has captured two more fans.

That night, several families were fascinated by their first taste of meat, and it was decided that it was time to spend more time with the Websters.

Xia Yue and Asag each ate a duck's foot and planned to go home.

Asagg has not been there for several days, and insisted on arguing to go home with her, Nan Xi held a chicken paw in her hand, waved her hand and said, "Yue Yue, take him away , My brain hurts from the noise, anyway, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are weekends, so I don't have to go to school, so don't rush to send him back." Sure enough, it was my own

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