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Chapter 24

Shi Yu followed Xia Yue to the shop, and ordered several things in a row. He was really hungry today.

Xia Yue knew that he was hungry, so she served him a bowl of white rice, and cut a plate of lo mei, and asked him to fill his stomach first, after all, dishes also need time to make.

Before she turned and left, Shiyu called her: "By the way, do you have more of this lo mei? I want to send some home for my family to taste." This was not his sudden idea, but the

previous After he sent the two big blue crabs and crayfish home, his family really liked them very much. From time to time, he asked him if there was any way to get some more. He is busy with the company now, and at the same time Facing urging from family members.

Seafood is gone, but the taste of this lo-mei is not bad, and it leaves a fragrance on the lips and teeth. The family in Beijing should also like it.

These lo mei are experimental products,? There are not many,? Some of them are given to neighbors, and the rest is even less.

Xia Yue thought for a while and replied: "The quantity is not much. If you want more, you can only wait until tomorrow. What do you want? I can go buy ingredients." "You can figure it out.

" Yu was silent for a while and then said: "Forget it, I will accompany you tomorrow."

Xia Yue wanted to say no, but she knew that her deskmate would not listen to her, so she acquiesced.

After filling his stomach, Shi Yu said hello to the Xia family and went home.

The next day, when he woke up, the aftereffects of the fight came out. He was sore all over, and he was pulling his hair violently. After venting for a while, he got up to clean himself up.

Purchasing ingredients is to look fresh, so it is time to go out at dawn.

"Everyone said you don't want to come, but you still insist." Xia Yue dared to complain about her deskmate, obviously yawning and sleepy, wouldn't it be nice to sleep in bed?

Shi Yu raised his hand and tugged the hair of his little deskmate, squinted his eyes and said, "It seems that you have learned a lot from that little fat man, you have become more courageous." You remember half a month ago, when he first met her, , she was like a timid rabbit, huddled in her place all day long, occasionally staring at him accidentally, her eyes would move away quickly, not like now.

Xia Yue retorted in a low voice: "How can there be."

After buying the ingredients, Xia Yue hurriedly stewed them, and when Shiyu was busy on the way back, she left first, saying that someone would come to pick them up in the evening.

Busy practicing cooking skills and busy preparing more marinade bags, Xia Yue didn't have time to play with Assag these two days. Fortunately, grandma took up the responsibility and took him out when she was free. After two days, He actually learned the crooked square dance, and he had to learn it for her when he came home. The little chubby twisted and twisted, and everyone joined in. After a dance, warm applause rang out, and Assag was so happy His face was flushed.

Thinking that everything should be ready there, Xia Yue took Assag back to Scripps.

Sure enough, as she expected, Nancy called up the holographic image of the store. The store has been renovated, combined with the information provided by Xia Yue, the ancient elements of China can be seen in the details of the store, which is incompatible with the current cold and hard technological style, but It looks quite charming.

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