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Chapter 52

I went back to my natal home on the second day of the Lunar New Year.

Xia Yue's grandmother's house is in Xincheng District. Xia's father drove out of the garage the car that had been cleaned of dust the day before, and the trunk was full of New Year's gifts.

Ten years ago, the Xia family was in trouble, and it was all helped by the family. Later, the Xia family rose, and the two families have been supporting each other until now, and the relationship is very close.

"Grandma, the food is in the refrigerator. Eat it when you're hungry." Xia Yue told Grandma Xia before getting into the car. She and her parents went away to relatives, and grandma was the only one left at home. I was afraid that she would find it troublesome to eat hot food, and her stomach would not be able to bear it if she ate cold food.

"Okay, grandma remember it, little housekeeper. Let's go, don't make your grandma wait." Grandma Xia was very worried, the child will grow up to care about others.

"Mom, let's go now." Xia's mother waved to her mother-in-law. The car started slowly. During the Chinese New Year holidays, most of the foreign workers went home, and the street became much deserted. In less than an hour, Grandma's house arrived.

Xia Yue's grandmother lives in a well-greened community. When the old house was demolished, two houses and a large sum of money were compensated. At that time, my uncle also sent over the property certificate of one of the houses, but Xia's mother No, her natal family and brothers have helped her enough, how can she accept these things, besides, she has lived a good life these years.

The three of them knocked on the door familiarly, and it was grandma who opened the door.

Xia Yue was at the front and said with a smile, "Grandma, Happy New Year."

"Okay, okay, come in." She was looking forward to their arrival early in the morning.

After the three members of the Xia family entered the house, the uncle and aunt were shocked by the glorious state of mind of their family.

"Isn't it? Sister and brother-in-law, have you drank the fairy water and rejuvenated?"

Aunt Zhang Xiao approached Xia's mother, her eyes widened: "Sister, which beauty salon did you get facelifted at? "

Before Xia's mother answered, her eyes saw her niece again, she couldn't help but touched Xia Yue's face twice, "This is Yue Yue, the scars are all healed?"

Xia Yue couldn't get away from her aunt's clutches, so she could only nod her head obediently, "Yes, auntie, where's my cousin?" "

He is playing games in the room, you can go and play with him in the room!" The aunt pointed at her house Son's doorway.

The two cousins ​​have a good relationship, and she likes to hear about it. At this time, her attention is all on her little sister. She hasn't seen her for a few months, and she has changed so much. She has to find out what kind of skin care medicine she used.

Xia Yue walked to the door of her cousin's room, but the door was not closed tightly. She vaguely heard voices coming from inside, so she knocked on the door.

Waited for a few seconds with no response, then knocked again, again no response.

Xia Yue thought for a while, and pushed open the door softly, only to see her cousin sitting in front of the computer, fingers flying on the keyboard, with earplugs on her ears, no wonder she didn't hear her knock on the door.

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