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Chapter 57

After the beautiful dinner, Xia Yue took out the diamonds she found today for everyone to appreciate.

Xia's father and Xia's mother swallowed hard when they saw the huge diamond, and they couldn't believe it: "This is really a diamond, not a glass product?"

Xia Yue laughed, and her parents' reaction was the same as she saw the color It was exactly the same at the stone field.

But it's hard for anyone to keep calm when they see such a large diamond.

Besides,? She also bought some trinkets with Yuanyuan's father. Although he said that the workmanship was a bit rough,? But it was much more refined than modern craftsmanship.

She bought a necklace for her mother,? Dark green gemstone earrings for grandma,? As for father's...

Xia Yue glanced at Dad Xia who had an expectant expression, and said with a smile: "Those accessories are not suitable for Dad."

Dad Xia suddenly Disappointed, the little padded jacket is a bit leaky.

"Okay, I'm teasing you." Xia Yue couldn't help but take her father's arm, and then revealed the secret, "I used purple diamonds as decoration materials to customize a kitchen knife for my father. But the craftsmanship is relatively cumbersome I have to wait for a few days."

Dad Xia didn't expect that his gift was the most expensive, and immediately grinned, "I will even be able to use the kitchen knife with the purple diamond accessories one day! It's too extravagant, too extravagant. Xia

Yue happily talked about her experience during this trip, "Diamonds are expensive in modern times, but they don't have such a high status in the interstellar world. At that time, I saw gems everywhere,? Like you, I thought they were man-made , Actually not, that scenic spot is the mine vein of gemstones, the house of the family where I bought diamonds is located on the mine vein,? Even the materials used to build the house are gemstones, which are colorful in the sun and look very beautiful..." She finished

speaking After that, everyone was still a little bit unsatisfied. According to her description, the magnificent and technologically advanced interstellar slowly unfolded in front of everyone, which made people fascinated. It would be great if we could go and see it together.

"Yueyue, what are you going to do with these two diamonds?"

Regardless of its purity or size, this diamond is destined to attract worldwide attention. As the owner, Xia Yue will definitely attract the attention of many parties. Xia's family is just an ordinary well-off family, and being too dazzling is not a good thing.

"I haven't figured it out yet. It should be auctioned off, and all the proceeds will be used for charity." Xia Yue has never known this information before, and it is somewhat tricky to operate.

Xia's mother was surprised, "Why do you want to do charity?"

"I broadcast live broadcasts and auction recipes on StarCraft. These things are not original to me, and I hold them hot. Besides, now my StarCraft account has accumulated a lot. Wealth can be kept on hold, so it's better to find a way to convert it into RMB and do something for our country, which can be regarded as doing good deeds." "And I opened

Baiweijiang, Time and Space Skin Care Pavilion, and our soon-to-open lo mei Shop, these are ways to make money every day, I think I can't be too greedy." Just like the gate of time and space restricts interstellar technology, Xia Yue thought, it would not like greedy and selfish masters.

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