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Chapter 32

Shi Yu seemed to be scalded, and let go of her hand in embarrassment.

"Your hand?" If it wasn't for his confidence in his memory, he would have thought that the bruising he saw in the evening was a hallucination. It looked the same as the scar on his face. There must be an unknown secret at the same table .

Xia Yue shook her hands, feeling a little guilty and flustered when she heard his question.

He saw it! Including her hands and face,? Xia Yue is very sure,? She is a little annoyed,? If I had known that I would go to the medicine after dinner, how should she explain that the wound on her body disappeared after two hours? fact?

She hesitated for a long time and couldn't speak. Finally, she stumbled and said: "My physique is different from others. The scars and marks disappeared very quickly since I was a child." After finishing speaking, she nodded heavily.

Shi Yu almost believed it. When he passed by the street corner a few days ago, he heard the old people mention it. He knew about the fire she endured ten years ago, and learned from others why she put herself The reason for wrapping up.

Seeing that she didn't want to say more, he thought she had something to hide,? He didn't force it,? He looked at her nonsense with raised eyebrows and a smile.

After Xia Yue lied, she was very disturbed. She glanced at him carefully. He had no expression on his face, as if he was looking at a vexatious child.

After a while, Shi Yu said: "Since you're fine, I'll go back first. I promise you, this kind of thing won't happen in the future, so don't be afraid." Xia Yue heard his words of concern

, ?My heart was warm, but I didn't forget to whisper: "Rotten peach blossom." Shi Yu

looked at the hair on the top of her head and laughed angrily when he heard the words. He couldn't help touching her head with his big palm, rubbing She rubbed her hair and messed it up, "I don't think about it either, it's just because I'm so good-looking."

Xia Yue burst out laughing, and slapped his hand off, "Nonsense."

Under the light, the girl's palm-sized face seemed to be shining brightly, and her round eyes smiled into crescent moons, as if a pool of clear water was blown by the wind. He jumped so fast that he didn't even realize it.

the next day.

Even though Shi Yu said her promise, Xia Yue was still a little nervous when she was in school, and she was still afraid that they would make trouble for her.

However, she was worried all day and nothing happened. Pei Qian and Fei Xiaorui seemed to have listened to Shi Yu's warning and didn't even look at her.

Xia Yue's heart was relieved a little.

She returned to a peaceful life again, running back and forth between home and school at two o'clock every day, Shi Yu was really busy, and every time after class, she would disappear after sending her home, which made Grandma Xia mutter that he hadn't been here for a long time We have dinner at home.

Soon, ten days passed, and Xia Yue ushered in the third course of gene repair.

This time, she also went to Renata's beauty salon alone. With the first two primers, her tolerance for pain has improved a lot, and she still has a feeling of being just like this after the treatment.

She didn't ask Renata about the change this time. When she supported herself to get off the hospital bed, the deformed bed told her the answer, and she got a strange force.

Xia Yue was dumbfounded looking at the shapeless bed, and Renata and her assistants also looked in disbelief. Every time this girl changes, it is unexpected.

"Renata, won't this have any effect on my body?"

Renata's face turned serious, and she was a little dissatisfied with her question. Isn't this questioning her ability? But considering that she is a gourmet and Nancy's face, she still answered patiently: "Gene repair will not have any side effects on the body, you can rest assured." "Perhaps it's time for you to learn how to control your strength

. In this

regard, Xia Yue specifically asked Matthew for help.

Matthew was shocked by her words. As far as he knows, there has never been an example of increased strength in interstellar genetic repair cases.

In order to witness this with his own eyes, he deliberately found a big stone, and said with bright eyes: "Crush the stone to see?" At the same time , he

reminded intimately: "Be careful."

Whether the scene was her illusion or not, she held her breath and stood in front of the stone, which was about as tall as Asagg, round and chubby, and she didn't know how Matthew moved it.

Putting on the protective gear with her hand, she touched the stone lightly, looking for an angle for the point of strength, but she didn't expect the stone to crack suddenly and split open. Xia Yue and Matthew were completely petrified, just, quite suddenly.

You know, the force she touched was really light, just a couple of tentative touches.

Matthew said softly: "I don't have any experience in this area, but I suggest that you start with your favorite cooking skills, including holding a knife and cutting vegetables, all of which are the control of strength, which may be very helpful for you to control it Good effect."

Xia Yue thought about it, and after thanking Matthew, she came to the second-floor building. Go upstairs to get a piece of meat and then go to the kitchen to start practicing.

She had to control her strength as soon as possible, otherwise she didn't know what would be destroyed.

I thought so, but looking at the crushed beef in her hand, Xia Yue wanted to cry, but she really didn't use any force.

In the end, she watched the messy kitchen completely collapsed, with deformed knife handles, collapsed countertops, and meat-like beef. When Nancy came over after hearing Matthew's report, she was stunned by the scene.

Xia Yue usually takes good care of the kitchen, and cleans it up carefully after each use, but now it is really a bit out of control.

Nancy walked up to her and patted her on the shoulder comfortingly: "Cough, Yueyue, I believe you can control it well, after all it is a part of your body, it's just that you are not familiar with it yet, take your time Come, don't rush."

Xia Yue didn't hear what she was saying, she was still in a daze, obviously she hadn't recovered from the fact that she had become a strange girl.

When Nancy saw this, she was afraid that she would get into the corner and said: "Actually, this is not a bad thing at all. With this strength, you won't be bullied in the future, right? And I remember you once said There was a kind of beef balls that became very elastic and delicious after being beaten vigorously, now that you are no longer limited by strength, you can make beef balls, how wonderful." Xia Yue thought about it, and she got a whole body for

nothing There is nothing wrong with strength, as long as you control it well, the advantages will definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

She is not afraid of how many people will come to attack her in the future, and she can eat as many hand-made beef balls as she wants! Thinking about it this way, she quickly accepted the fact.

"You're right, sister Nancy, I'll calm down and practice how to control my strength, but I'm sorry for making your kitchen like this." Nancy put her arms around her and said softly, "It's okay,

this It was originally built for your use, don't be burdened, practice boldly, and I'll find someone to recover later."

Xia Yue froze and didn't dare to move, fearing that she might hurt her if she couldn't control her strength, so she could only thank her Nod to her.

The author has something to say: Cough, everyone, good morning, good morning

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