Answers At Last ~ Chapter 113

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"YOU GUYS!" Kirby cheered. The heroes looked over as Shez smiled down at them. They had sheets of papers in their hands and they looked very joyful. "We found some solution to the situation with Byleth! We can find a way to recover him!"

Celica cheered, "That's wonderful! What do you guys have?" Shez went down the stairs and started showing them what they had from Chrom's written notes. "Wow, Chrom knew about this all but yet..."

Shez sighed, "He left this all for us to take in, I will say I am very grateful for what he has written down here. Now we're getting somewhere. We also need to be quick, Byleth not only has taken Chrom and Alear in but he also has Mario's body..."

Kirby mumbled, "I miss Mario so much, we didn't have much time to process his murder... I guess we were so focused on looking for clues of who killed him but we never did have a chance to respect him."

"After we find a way to get Byleth back, we will find a way to respect Mario a lot more better. He deserves so much more than us failing to respect him," Shez said with a smile.

Ayato sighed, "Alright, so we need to find a way to use these notes that Chrom has wrote down to get Byleth back."

"Based on what I read, apparently there are three ways to get Byleth back," Veyle pointed out. The heroes looked over toward the notes and read the ideas Chrom had written down. "One way is to have Shez do a fairy tale and kiss him directly on the mouth but in the process that can risk Shez also getting corrupted."

Alcryst muttered, "I rather not have Shez risk himself just for a kiss on the mouth which might not even work."

"Yeah, it's a stupid idea... anyways the second idea proposed is to raid the castle and to find the seal, that way we throw it onto the Crown and it will seal the crown away. But... we could risk Byleth being sealed alongside the crown," Veyle mentioned.

Ayato sighed, "I don't want to lose yet another hero. It's a good idea but risking Byleth's life? This is just... a no from me." The other heroes nodded in agreement. Veyle looked at the ideas one more time and then looked at everyone else.

Veyle explained, "The last idea is that we attack Byleth when he's in the castle, similar to the previous one. But we break the crown for good, but if we're too slow we can end up losing Byleth forever. The crown would be able to break afterwards but Byleth would be corrupted under the power of the crown for dear life."

"Oh gods, this is some really tough decisions," Shez grunted. The heroes nodded as they looked at one another. They gathered together and got ready to figure out what solution they were going to use.

Ayato laughed, "I definitely don't want to suggest the fairy tale idea. It just feels weird to do and plus, it just sounds too far-fetched for us to do."

"Definitely, also I don't think Byleth loves me enough for it to work as well, admittedly," Shez giggled. The heroes nodded as they continued to think, they had only two other options available to them. They stood there quietly and that's when Veyle thought of something.

Veyle said, "I don't want to suggest the idea where we attempt to seal the crown away. Not only are we not going to get rid of the crown but in the process we can risk Byleth being sealed away as well..." The heroes nodded in agreement.

"I definitely don't want to lose Byleth and I want to make sure we can find a way to get rid of that crown too," Celica replied in agreement. The heroes nodded, all they had left was the last idea, attempting to break the crown.

Ayato mumbled, "Of course all these ideas have to be so difficult, this isn't the best idea either because we can also risk losing Byleth forever, I don't want to do that..."

"Then what is the best idea?!" Kirby asked as he started to get frustrated. The heroes stood there staring at him, then they all took a deep breath.

Shez mumbled, "Zethus is corrupting his body, the key is to get rid of Zethus from corrupting Byleth's body. I believe our best option is to break the crown. If we break the crown we can free everyone from Zethus' command and his reign will finally end."

"It's going to be extremely risky with this idea, are you certain this is the pathway you want to go?" Ayato asked. Shez looked down at himself but then he soon nodded.

Shez explained, "I trust that we will find a way to break the crown without getting rid of Byleth. This isn't going to be easy but I know for a fact that we are able to do it. So who's with me?" The heroes looked at one another but then nodded.

"But wait!"

"Oh what is it now?"

Kirby analyzed, "Byleth also has the rest of the heroes, none of us know what exactly he's trying to do but we need to take the heroes into consideration as well."

"Well, we have to think one thing very clearly, he's going to do something with the heroes and as well as Mario's body, if only I knew what exactly that was going to be..." Shez muttered. Kirby walked over and patted him on the back, gently smiling at him in the process.

Alcryst said with a slight smile, "We're going to be sticking by your side until the end of it Shez, we promise you." Shez nodded as he looked down at his hands.

Shez thought to himself, "Byleth... oh how much I miss you, you were something special. You knew how to do so many things but you got thrown under the corruption of this demigod who is trying to take revenge on us... oh Byleth..."


"Hm?" The heroes looked at him with worry. "If you're wondering how I'm feeling, I'll manage just fine... I just miss Byleth a whole lot..." The heroes walked over and hugged him. Shez smiled at the heroes and hugged them back. Suddenly they heard the loud thunder once again, thunder was just coming by.

 Ayato sighed, "Another storm is upon us... we really need to start being quick about this." The heroes nodded as they stopped hugging. Getting themselves ready for what's to come.

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