Love Conquers All (Bruce Wayne x Reader)

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'Love Conquers All,' is what your mother would always say, only because you never had any luck finding a partner. But, who has any luck in Gotham City? The most dangerous city in the world. Despite the crime lords and villains, your mother always believed you'd find love. You though otherwise, but agreed with her anyway.

But, when your mother had passed, you lost all hope in that theory. You were left in Gotham City, alone.

You thought, 'How could anyone have love in this place? Not even Bruce Wayne, the prince of Gotham, had found love.'

You were on your way to your crappy job. You were a writer for the newspaper. You wrote articles about anything your boss told you to write about; Batman, Arkham Asylum, Black Gate, and even Bruce Wayne.

You almost liked writing about Bruce, you thought he hosted great parties and he was most definitely handsome. Although you never been to his parties or met him. Hell, you haven't even seen Wayne Manor. You were a nobody. Just an article writer for the paper.


The weather wasn't always the best here in Gotham, as it was raining right now. So, with your head down you headed to your cruel, time wasting job, you thought about your mother. How you missed her, how you longed to see her face smiling once again. Tears fell from your face and you stared at the cold, wet concrete while walking.

Just like the movies, you bumped into someone and you fell. You whined silently as your coat got wet and cold. You looked up and you saw who you bumped into. His eyes were wide and his mouth slightly hung open with shock.

It was Bruce Wayne, in a fitted suit with a tie that matched. He held an umbrella to keep away from the rain.

"Oh! Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was-- " you started but got cut off from him.

"No, no, it was all my fault. I just.. have a lot on my mind. Here, let me help you, yeah?" He reached to grab your hand, which you grabbed quickly, as you wanted to get off the wet pavement.

"I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Wayne," you apologized.

"Please, call me Bruce. The only person who calls me that is Alfred. Oh.. Di-did I make you cry?" He asked, looking worried.

And that's when you remembered the tears that had spilled when you thought of your mother. You quickly wiped them away, sniffle, then said, "No. Those are just from.. The rain. Yeah, the rain," you mumbled the last part. Although, none of that sounded convincing. You quickly moved around him and continued your walk to work. Tried to anyway, but Bruce had called after you.

"Hey, wait!" He called, jogging to you.

This made you stop in your tacks and turn with your foot. He held something in his hand and it almost looked like a piece of paper. Once he got closer you found out what it was, the photo of you mother. Your eyes went wide in fear and you thought it'd be ruined from the rain and (possibly) being stepped on.

"You, uh- You forgot.. Dropped this. Ms. (Y/L/N)," he stammered, which you thought was odd but cute, since he is Bruce Wayne.

"How do you know my last name?" You asked, surely you don't know each other. You both have never met each other, ever.

He gave out a chuckle and answered, "Oh. So I was right... Uhm, I looked in the back and saw the name. (Y/M/N) (This is 'Your Mother's Name,' not 'Your Middle Name.' Just had to clarify that.) And I'm guessing she's your mother. She's as beautiful you," his compliment made you blush and then he asked what your name was.

"It's (Y/N)," you say, forgetting that you have to go to work.

"Well, (Y/N), how 'bout we go get some lunch?" Bruce asked, a smile dancing on his lips.

"I... I have to go to work. I'm sorry," you say, looking down.

"Ditch it. I'm sure they won't mind. How do you feel about the job?"

"Uh.. I can't ditch work. I need the money. But.. I-I hate the job."

"How about I hire you at Wayne Enterprises? I'm in need of a new secretary... Maybe an assistant.. Or a janitor?" He smirked.

'Secretary? Yes, please. Assistant? Absolutely! Janitor? No, thanks,' you thought, 'Would Bruce Wayne actually hire me?'

"A new job seems nice. But, I must ask, why would you randomly hire someone you just met?"

"People say go for the new experience. So, how 'bout it?"

"I'll take the assistant job," you say with a huge smile. Even with the horrible weather and horrible day, there is always someone who brightens it. And in this case; Bruce Wayne.

And that was what you did. You took the assist job and quit your old one. You went on the lunch date with Bruce and, surprisingly, he wanted to get to know you. You both chatted and got to know each other. Soon enough, the "date" had ended and you didn't want to leave. Neither did Bruce, he actually liked talking to you.

So, another date was planned and you guys continued on for months. Until, he had finally asked you to be his girlfriend. You had happily replied with a yes. And then you finally believed your mother.

Love does conquer all.

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