Long-Time Love (Arkham Knight/Jason Todd x Reader)

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You finding out the Arkham Knight is Jason Todd :^)

  The name had given you so many great memories that you'd cry at the thought of him.

  He was dead.

  And you missed him. You hadn't known what to do with your life after he had gone missing, then pronounced dead. You loved him as a friend, and a person.

  And now, Gotham has gotten worse than Hell and everyone was evacuated as soon as Scarecrow said the few words that made everyone go into a panic. He threatened to engulf Gotham City in fear toxin. His master plan. He had gotten a partner, even. A new guy. A new boss. A new villain for Batman to defeat.

  Being Bruce Wayne's close friend, you had known he was Batman. You knew the plan; to end Batman after tonight. Bruce had felt worse after hearing about Jason's death. He hadn't talked to anyone for a month and hadn't even stepped out of Wayne Manor. The only thing that let you knew he was alive was seeing Batman on GCN.

  Even hearing the name had made you cry. You missed the way you both wrestled with each other, the way you both made the stupidest jokes but think everything was funny, the way he'd carry you over his shoulders when you'd get angry. You missed his dark hair that'd you make braids in when he'd sleep, his bright blue eyes that you were always jealous of. You missed the way his too-tall body stood over yours.

  You missed him. You loved him. You needed him.

  Right now, being in Gotham City, no one was safe. Accidentally, you had gotten left behind when everyone was being evacuated. So you sat in your house the whole time, hearing the criminals voices outside your front doors. Not once had they ever stepped on your lawn, they hadn't even tried to.

  You had no way of contacting anyone. No way of letting Bruce know you needed help. No way of getting out.

  Trying to fall asleep, and forget this night, a bang on your door had made you jump. The banging continued on until you started to cry, wanting help. It later stopped, but then it was eerily quiet and all too familiar.

  "(Y/N)!!" Someone yelled.

  The voice almost sounded unreal, fake, computerized even. It sounded like, whoever it was, had bought a toy that changed your voice.

  But, it was more frightening than a toy.

  Thinking it'd be best to hide, you hid. Going under your bed, you tried to stay as quiet as possible and not move. Of course, this was the most cliché hiding spot, but your first thought. Maybe, whoever it was, wouldn't find you. They knew your name and seemed determined to find you. You doubted they'd give up.

  The heavy footsteps were heard throughout your house. The came closer and you seemed to lose control of your emotions. You started to silently cry, shake violently, and you had the sudden urge to vomit.

  "(Y/N)..." the voice whispered and it was less than pleasing, but easily known as a man's voice.

  You wanted to jump out and hit him in the head, with whatever possible.

  His boot took heavy steps all over your room, leaving their wet and muddy tracks on your carpet - but you couldn't care less about that.

  Your silent sobs had been stopped when you let out a whine, accidentally. You cursed yourself for that, making your hiding spot a dead giveaway. He knew where you were. You were dragged by your foot, out from under your bed. You started to scream, kick and cry all at the same time.

  "Get off me! Get away!" You kicked him but he seemed unfazed. He was certainly tougher than you, more stronger, and able to handle whatever you threw at him. He simply grabbed your waisted and pulled you over his shoulders. You hit his back harder than you'd ever hit anything in your life.

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