A Little More (Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane x Reader)

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Would you believe me if I had told you that the nerdiest boy in highschool now has tons of woman crushing and fantasizing over him? It's crazy, right? Yet, I know he doesn't like them. You see, Jonathan and I have had a very close relationship since highschool. I was there when he got picked on and I was there to help him get right back on his feet.

Now, as a physiatrist at Arkham Asylum, Jonathan has had numerous relationships. And I remember each and every one of them, most of them anyway. The good, the bad; Jonathan varied in types of girls. After they broke up, I never saw them again.

I've never been in a relationship. Or kissed anyone. Or held hands with anyone. I want to make myself believe that it doesn't matter but, who am I kidding? I want a first kiss. I want a relationship.

Jonathan knows this. Well, only the part where I never had a relationship. I thought he would have laughed when he first found out. He simply nodded then smirked. I was confused and annoyed, because I thought he was making fun of me. After that, he said that he was happy that I've never had a relationship before. I didn't know why. I still don't know why.

"I want you to come to dinner tonight, at my house. Believe it or not, I actually cook."

"I believe that you cook. I just don't know if you're a good cook or a bad cook," I joke, teasingly sticking my tongue out at him. Jonathan laughs. Shocking.

"You'll have to come to find out," he shrugs.

"Okay, it's a date then." I want it to be a joke but deep down I'm actually wishing he'd agree and be okay with the fact that I like him. But it's hopeless.

And I'm helpless.

I'm helpless and a hopeless romantic. I dream about spending the rest of my life with someone and going on monthly dinner dates at fancy restaurants. I dream about being given roses every anniversary, or being taken on road trips with whoever I love. I know Jonathan isn't the type for that, but maybe– hopefully, he can be.

"A dinner date, yes," when he says this I almost frown. Luckily, I don't and it saves me from Jonathan noticing disappointment from me. This is as good as it gets for me.

I go directly home after work. Jonathan and I arranged a time for me to come over. Eight-thirty. It gets pretty dark very early so I didn't want it be too late. By the time it's seven, the sun is already setting.
So I decide on what to wear. I pick a pair of dark jeans, a beige tank that goes under my black blazer. I feel like I'm going to a meeting. I want to dress in a super cute dress or something a celebrity would wear, but I feel like I'd over doing it.

It's nearing eight thirty and, only now, I start to get stressed out. I get nervous. I get sweaty. This isn't helping my appearance. I don't want to be smelling like B.O when eating Jonathan's food.

I start to calmly think over everything that's happening.

Jonathan invited me to dinner tonight, at his house. He had just been given a promotion and, for once, I had seen him happy at work. I know he likes working, but he never shows it.

What'll I say when I walk in? Hi, I'm here for your food. What? Yo, this party's lit. No. Greetings, I'm five minutes. No. What am I, an alien? Hey, wassup my dude! Absolutely not.


I look at my phone and it's eight-fifteen and I see an unread message from Jonathan.

You're still coming over, right? -J.C

I smile. I wonder if he's as nervous as me. I shake it off. Probably not.

Yes, on my way now. : ) -(Y/N)

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