Mixed Feelings - REQUEST - (The Riddler/Edward Nygma x OC)

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Most people think that being raised by one of Gotham's most dangerous villain was a bad thing, but Trixie loved it. And she loved Harley Quinn as if she was her mother.

Harley raised and protected the girl with her own life and it was like she was Quinn's adopted daughter. Although they were almost identical - in personality - Trixie had been confused by her feelings towards her friend, Edward Nygma.

Even if they had their cute moments, Eddie always left her wondering if he liked her or not. She wasn't so sure if he liked him either.

Trixie was a cheerful, energetic, and happy girl. She loved doing things with her adopted mother, chaos and all. She loved weapons, especially guns. Chaos was her middle name, she lived for it. Although she was stubborn and wouldn't take no for an answer when it came to robbing a bank or blowing a bridge sky high, she took the chance to listen to people's opinions and views towards serious things.

Trixie had always been the one to make friends, be outgoing, and talkative. She was nice to anyone who had done no harm to her or her friends.

Trixie wouldn't give up anything to be where she was, with her family. Even if they were criminals in Gotham, she thought of that as family. She brought laughs and happiness to the family, and she loved them with all her heart.


"Oh, c'mon Eddie! Just tell me the answer!" I pouted. Eddie wouldn't stop with the riddles that I hated! Well, I guess I didn't hate them enough to keep trying to answer them.

Eddie always had a need to give me riddles and laugh at me when I got frustrated. But, I didn't mind, I loved spending time with my best friend.

"If you really want it, riddle me this - !"

"Eddie!" I groaned and threw a playful punch at him to which he laughed at.

Even if I got mad, I couldn't hate him.

"Alright, alright. The answer is the letter E," he said and I realized how simple that was.

It's twice a week, once a year, the beginning earth, and the end of space.

"That is so simple! I can't believe I didn't get that," I giggle, making Eddie chuckle.

Spending time with him had shortened and it only started when I gave a small kiss to him last week. He's been avoiding me and talking to me less. But, it's weird because he kissed me back. He had gotten shy and blushed a lot when it happened, which was cute. But he's been keeping his distance and it made me sad, making me think he didn't like me. I wasn't sure I like him either, but I don't think he wants a committed relationship.

"Hey, uh, Eddie?" I spoke, my voice losing its joyful tone.

"Yes, Trixie?" He looked at me, his green eyes shining bright.

"Do you have feelings for me?" I asked, staring at him.

He thought for a while, which made me regret asking it. Maybe he'd say yes out of pity, maybe he'd say no because he doesn't want to be friends anymore.

'Agh! Quit being sad, Trixie! This isn't helping,' I spoke to myself, boosting my confidence.

"Tell you what, I'll tell you," he spoke, making me smile. "Only if you answer a riddle."

"Not fair!" I groaned, but giggled as he laughed at me.

'Please let me get it right,'

"Riddle me this, Trixie. What building has the most stories?"

As soon as I heard it, I mentally screamed. There was no way I could answer this. Obviously he would pick the most simple worded one, which help the harder answers. And so, I thought over the riddle, saying it over and over in my head.

I thought I got the answer, but I hesitated before I said it.

"Is it a library?" I asked, biting my lip.

"Congratulations, Trixie," Eddie said.

"W-What?" I screamed out of excitement. This was one of the few times I had gotten one of his riddles correct. And I was happy. I jumped up, hugging him and giving him a small kiss on the cheek. But, I didn't forget what the answer was for.

"So, are you going to answer my question?" I pulled away from him.

He seemed nervous, making me laugh a little and smile. But his nervousness seemed to fade when he smirked.

"Well, I don't hate you," he smiled.

I almost screamed, this man was sending me mixed signals and I didn't even know what half of them meant. It was either he liked me or he didn't. It wasn't that hard to answer.

"That isn't a reliable answer. Tell me if you like me or not," I pouted.

"I've already answered, Trixie," he walked away with the same sly smirk he had when he answered.

Is it good? This was a request and I loved it so much! But this oneshot isn't good, I think. Edward is being a slick guy and sliding through confessing his feelings so Trixie is confused. Which makes Trixie confused about his and her own feelings.


Anyway, hope you liked it!



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