Just A Dream (Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane x Reader)

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You and Jonathan had been together for almost two years. You loved him with all your heart, as he did to you. He had told you he thought he was never capable of love, but then you came into his life. He had stopped using his toxin and gas, just for you. But, you felt as if something was off about him. As it was nearing your anniversary, you worried something would go wrong. Jonathan wasn't himself, or maybe he wasn't himself all this time? Maybe he was meant to use his fear toxin. Who knew?

You didn't. You only made him stop because you feared he would be killed by revenge from his victims. And, he took part in stopping also; he asked you if he should stop.

As you sat on your bed that you shared with Jonathan, you waited for him to come to bed. It was nearing midnight, and Jonathan still hadn't come to bed. He was never like this, not when you started dating, he'd always go to sleep and wake up with you. But, with him "working late" he never fell asleep with you and would always wake up before you.

You felt as if you were both drifting apart.

'Were we not meant to me? Is it time to break up?' You thought, covering yourself in blankets.

At the start, two years ago, you both had the best time. You were almost attached to the hip, you did everything together.

You decided to fall asleep, forgetting about Jonathan.

You woke from a scream. More like a shriek. It was a woman. You could tell, just by that. And your hands began to shake as you heard another.

"Get them off of me! H-Help!!"

You decided to investigate. In your sleeping clothes, you put on slippers and headed to your kitchen. Grabbing a small knife, you heard another scream and headed toward it. You ended up in the basement of your shared house with Jonathan. Seeing a dark figure stand over a table with a woman strapped onto it had made you gasp. Your gasp was loud enough for the figure to hear and it quickly turned to you. With a masked hood and ragged clothes, you knew who it was.


You had made out a small scream before running back into your room. Locking the door, you decided to call the police. This man was in your house, torturing some woman.

"(Y/N)!! Open the door!!" A distorted voice called.

"No! No!" You repeated, trying to dial in the GCPD's number, but your hands were too shaky and your breath was uneven.

"(Y/N)!! (Y/N)! (Y/N), wake up. Come on, wake up."

You shot up from your bed and Jonathan quickly wrapped his arms around you. You felt as if you were going to cry, your eyes burned and became watery.

"Oh. Oh, Jonathan," you whined in his shoulder, tightly wrapping your arms around him. You didn't want to let him go. "It was just a dream. Thank god, just a dream."

Jonathan sighed and asked, "What was it about? You were shaking and I was afraid you were having a seizer."

"I-- It's unexplainable. Scarecrow came back, after me."

Jonathan stared at you for a while, then sighed.

"He's not coming back. I love you. That was a different part of me, a darker one. I'll end up hurting you if I go back to that," he rubbed his nose against yours and you blushed. You missed how he did that.

"I love you, too. And could you take work off today? I feel. . .uneasy. And I'm scared," you begged, because you truly were scared. And you needed him.

"That means I have to get out of this suit. But, okay. I'll call," he ended the conversation with a kiss and went to call his work.

It was just a dream. Everything is okay.

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