Anxiety (Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane x Reader)

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"That relatable moment when your anxiety kicks in."

  Jonathan lets out a small laugh.

  "I wasn't kidding."

  You had an upcoming assignment to do in class. The worse part; you had to present. You've already bitten your fingernails and had sleepless nights.

  This assignment was for huge marks, so it's been stressful for you. Even thinking about the presentation gets you to shake. Another bad thing; you'd do it by yourself. No partners.

  Jonathan has been helping. Sort of.

  Although he's tried to help, nothing worked. The fear of being judged or laughed at if you messed up during talking stays in your mind. Constant headaches and sweaty palms started to annoy you. You wished to just be like everyone else and have no problem reading a few slides to a whole class. But, the thing about college is that there's over one hundred students - usually more. Now, at first you thought it'd be impossible for all the students to present. But, you didn't bother to think about it. Maybe it'd take a few days, meaning you'd have some days of rest during that time - finally.

  "I know you'll do okay, (Y/N)," he pulls you in with one arm, giving you a side-hug as he kisses your forehead. Having him in your class helped you cope - somewhat. Even if he had a lot of friends and they'd always come to see him before and after class. You hadn't had many boyfriends, but Jonathan was by far the best.

  "Me too," your breathes are light, and your voice is soft. You didn't like speaking in loud tones, even if you were really comfortable with Jonathan. Your head stays low as you walk alongside him, holding onto his hand. With a building full of students, you always felt so alone. Even when you were with Jonathan.

  Being afraid of almost everything, you didn't get out much. As much as you wanted to get out, talk to people, make friends, you couldn't.

  It seemed impossible.

  "Hey," he stops your thoughts, stopping in the hallway. He simply ignored the odd stares given to him. You wished you could do that as easily as him. You faced him. He's standing up straight, giving you all of his attention. He looked at you up and down, finally stopping at your eyes. You loved his bright blue eyes more than anything else. He seemed as if he couldn't speak for a while, so he awkwardly smiled, trying to find words. You gave a confused look, wondering why he randomly stopped all of a sudden. "I need you to understand something, so don't get mad when I tell you this."


  "I know you have social anxiety, and I want to help. I spoke to a counselor and I-"

  "You're making me see a shrink?" You didn't mean to seem angry, but the tone of your voice said otherwise. In fact, you actually liked that he considered this.

  "Wh- Listen, it's not that bad. She said she'll try to help with your anxiety.  Y'know, like talking to people." For a second, you doubted the idea. In all your years of living, nothing helped your anxiety. "A-And, yeah, I can help too. She said it might be a good idea for me to be in your classes as well."

  The thought of him being in all five of your classes made you smile. But, you didn't want to separate him from his own friends and ambitions.

  "What- What about your classes? And your friends?"

  He shrugs, then smirks.

  "I love you, (Y/N)."

  You froze. After hearing him saying it for so long, it still felt awkward to say it back. You don't know why, because you loved him too. How could three words - that meant so much - be so hard to say?

  Eventually, you gain enough courage to give him a tight hug.

  "I love you, too."

  You were happy to be able to say it, because it made him happy. And, you were saying how you truly feel about him. Classes were over for the day, and your roommate had been gone for the whole week, so you decided to invite Jonathan over.

  "Can we watch some documentaries?" He asks, before you even open your dorm room door.

  You stop.

  "That is literally the most boring thing I've ever been offered," you say - jokingly. Quickly stepping inside the room, dropping your bad near your bed.

  "You're worse than Edward," he laughs. You met him, once. He was quite smart, but he wouldn't let you forget it. "Actually nevermind, I take that back."

  You had both cuddled on your bed, using a laptop to watch some movies. You ended up falling asleep, holding onto Jon. You were happy. Maybe things would be better. It'd take time, and effort. It might not even help - but it wouldn't hurt to try.

  Jonathan didn't finish the movie, instead he turned off the laptop and set it on the end table. It wasn't really that late, but he was tired. He's had just as much stress as you, so he needed the extra sleep as well. He couldn't think of another place to be than next to you. As much as he loved the concept of fear, he hated that you had to deal with your fears on a daily basis. This was odd for him - he usually never felt sorry or bad for someone with fears. But you were an exception for him. He didn't mind though. He loved you. He gives a small kiss to your cheeks, trying not to wake you up. He gets closer to you and finally gets comfortable. In the next few minutes, nobody in the room is awake.


This was meant to be a Dick Grayson oneshot but it's okay if we have a J. Crane one, right? Anyway, I really liked this and it was fun to write. I keep saying I'll update quicker but I don't so just don't believe me.


Also this oneshot is basically based off me :") Not all of it though so don't worry, my friends.

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