Notes (Robin/Tim Drake x Reader)

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Tim, he was your crush. And you hated it, because you knew about his relationship with Barbara Gordon. You didn't hate Barbara, she was one of your best friends. But, you were definitely jealous about her relationship with Tim.

With her going handicapped, she wasn't as mobile as she used to be. And you were extremely sorry for her. As for Tim, he had recently broken up with her and lately you've been sensing some tension between them but you kept quiet about it.

"(Y/N), are you coming over tonight? Barbara, Dick, and Kate will be there," Tim asked you.

"Um, yeah. What are we doing?" You asked.

"Probably watch some movies. Play video games. Maybe things will get a bit crazy," he nudged your side and you giggled.

You gasped. "Will we stay up late?!"

This made Tim laugh, acting like a ten year old had always made people laugh. Being your age, staying up late was a priority for upcoming tests. Walking to your last class, you both went to your seats. The class was rather boring, you thought.

Well, until a piece of paper was passed to you.

'This class is so boring,' was written and you knew who it was from.

Looking to your left, right across from you, sat Tim. He looked at you, with a small smirk and acted as if he didn't do anything.

'Even more boring that you,' you wrote back, as an attempt to make a joke.

Passing it back, when the teacher wasn't looking, you touched Tim's hand and you blushed.

You found this as ridiculous.

'I shouldn't be blushing just because I touched him!' You mentally groaned and you thought this crush was stupid and would get you nowhere.

Little did you know, Tim actually liked you back.

'Ouch, my feelings are almost hurt,' he wrote back, a small smiley face beside it.

'About tonight, do you think it would be awkward with Barb?' You decided it was more comfortable writing than talking.

'Not if she makes it awkward. I've moved on, and I like someone else,' his response made you have a little hope, but you also doubted it.

'Oooooh, Tim. Who is it??' A small winky face was drawn next to the words and you smiled.

'Currently passing notes to her in class. Breaking the rules,' this time, a smiley face, and it made you smile and blush.

You almost giggled out of shyness and blushed, again, while writing back.

'I like you too,' you didn't know what else to write, but that seemed necessary.

It was about time to confess.

Before you could hand it back, the bell rung and class was over. School was over. Getting up, you crumpled up the paper and smiled at Tim as he got up as well. You had to go through the horde of students, but luckily you were walking with Tim. He was tall, and not easily lost.

"So," he mumbled.

'Time for the awkwardness,' you thought.

"So," you replied.

"I'm sorry if that made us...awkward," he said.

Blushing, you said, "No! It's okay."

"I'm guessing you don't like me back?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

"What? No! I mean, I like you. I'm just shy, sorry," you blushed again.

"Don't be sorry, I actually find it cute," Tim said, poking your sides.

You pushed his hands away, laughing.

"It's nice to know that you like me back. I've liked you for awhile," you smiled.

"Me too, it was just... I'm very awkward."

"Yeah, I know," you laughed.

"Hey! You still like me!"

"Yeah, I know," you sighed this time, trying to make a joke.

"So, like, can we kiss?" Tim asked.

"That's very gentleman-like. Yes, we may kiss,' you looked up at him and smiled.

He lowered his head, his lips meeting yours and gave you a small kiss. It was short, but you liked it. You've never kissed anyone before, and you were glad Tim was your first. Kissing back, you blushed and smiled within the kiss.

Pulling away, Tim said, "I'm happy I passed notes with you."

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