New Faces, New Loves (The Riddler/Edward Nygma x Reader)

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You've never liked Gotham. Well, not since your brother had gotten attacked from The Joker's thugs. He hadn't done anything wrong, they were just looking for fights and your brother just happened to be there.

You never let him out by himself after that, as he was the youngest in the family. You've always gone with him anywhere he went. Whether it was school, stores, parks, even at a friends house. You didn't want to risk anything.

Lately, there was been a lot of breakouts at Blackgate and Arkham Asylum. And you decided to carry a knife for safety. Batman's been helping out a lot, taking down thugs and crime lords left and right. You praised him for that. Anything to make Gotham safer.

'Oh, man. It's really cold out today,' you thought to yourself.

"Well, it is minus eighteen," you hear someone say. It was a male voice, you could tell. Though, you couldn't trust anything from just that.

You quickly thought about what you said out loud, how someone randomly popped out of nowhere, and grabbed your knife. Turning around, you saw no one.

'That's. . .odd,' You squinted, looking at your surroundings.

"Crime Alley is not a place to be, young lady. The Wayne's were killed here," the voice said again.

"You sound worried. . . Why?" You asked him - whoever he was. You didn't want to stick around to find out.

"You're unaware of who I am and you think I'm worried about you? I ask the questions, well, riddles mostly," he chuckled and, from that hint, you had a guess at who he was.

"Edward Nygma? T-The Riddler?"

"Yes. Now that you have my name, how 'bout you give me yours?" He asked, jumping out from a corner in the alley.

He wore his usual attire you've seen on breaking news. He wore his glasses with pride and held a cane in the shape of a question mark. His green, with purple question marks, suit was well-fitted and his purple tie gave off a shine under the street lights. His bowler hat had hid his face, due to the darkness, but you couldn't help but think he was attractive.

"I- It's (Y/N)," you stuttered. You didn't think of what would or could happen when you give this man your name, but you do it out anyway. You were usually the one who thought over things before doing them. You were safe and cautious but, in this moment, you felt as if you could trust him with your life.

Though, you didn't know why.

"(Y/N). . . It really rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? So, (Y/N), riddle me this. What can be swallowed but can't swallow you?" He asked.

"Uh- I- Pride," you answered but sounding unsure as well. You were confused.

"You sound unsure? But, nonetheless, it is the right answer. Congratulations," he smiled, lifting up his head you could see his green eyes.

'Those eyes are the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen,' you thought.

You saw Edward blush slightly, then say, "Thank you. I think-- You might be. . .the most beautiful woman I've seen."

Then, you notice you had spoken your thoughts out loud. Again. Your face got completely red, from both the embarrassing blurt out and his compliment.

"(Y/N), I don't know why we haven't met before. I mean, I feel like we should be together. What do you say?" Edward said, while getting close and putting a hand on your shoulder.

You felt nothing but lust and you agreed with him. You felt like you wanted to be together. But, you couldn't help but feel like you were betraying your brother. So, you quickly backed away from him.

"I-I can't. Sorry, it's not you. Really. I just can't. Not after my brother. . ."

Edward stared at you with a questioning look. "My brother, he was attacked by Joker's.. henchmen. And I've done everything to keep him safe since then and, by falling for you, it'd be betraying him."

"You're falling for me?"

You quickly regret your choice of words and tried to explain, "No! I mean-- Just-- If we, maybe, go out or something, I'll probably fall for you. O-Or you to me, and-- "

"I'll get revenge. I'll get revenge on The Joker for you," he interrupted.


"Then we'll keep it a secret. No one has to know. We can eventually move out of Gotham, your brother can come too."

"I. . I'll think about it."

"Oh. Okay, but where do you live? Surely, you'd want to go in dates till then? Or.. You want me to come over," he winked. He wasn't the shy and 'always-has-to-be-right' maniac that everyone said he was. You found him charming, smart, and he had a great personality. So far.

"I live on the south side of Gotham. In an apartment, red bricks, floor three, and apartment number sixty eight. Come tonight," you told him.

And then you went home, not with out saying your goodbyes of course, and waited. You waited for him to come over and then when he did, you made a small dinner for just the two of you (Your brother had been sleeping). He got to know more about him as you did to him. You also noticed how shy he was that night. Not like in Crime Alley, he was confident and charming then, but you also liked the secluded and shy Edward.

Then, this went on for months. By the seventh month, he had asked you to be his girlfriend.

"(Y/N), we've become best friends. And now that your brother knows about us, I think we should go to the next step. Remember when we met? No one has to know that we're dating. . .or together. Except your brother of course. But, (Y/N), I've fallen for you. Hard. And I think- I think I love you."

You thought this over. Were you ready for the next step? Were you in love with Edward? Were you ready for a long and committed relationship with him? Within the next five minutes, you had an answer for him.

You nodded.

"Yes. Edward, I want to have a relationship with you. I love you!" You say, wrapping your arms around him as he stood, speechless.

"Hey! You betta watch over my sister, mister. I don't want to see her hurt! Take care of her, yeah?" Your brother had said from the doorway he was standing in.

"Uh, okay. Don't worry, buddy. I won't hurt her," he replied to him as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

And then you knew it. You had found love in Gotham City, even if it was with a villain. You had found it, and you were happy.

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