First Cut (Victor Zsasz x Reader)

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"Victor, I'm so done!" You screamed, packing your clothes and other things you owned into a small duffle bag.

You recently found out that Victor Zsasz, your boyfriend, had been cheating on you.

"(Y/N), would you calm down! Let me explain!" He grabbed your wrist, making you stop any movement.

"Explain what?! That you don't love me? That you don't care about me? That the other woman is better than me, and that you don't regret anything. Well, guess what? I already know!" You ranted, pulling away from his grasp.

You walked out your shared bedroom, only for Victor to follow you.

"(Y/N), it's not like that," he tried to explain, but you cut him off.

"What's it like then, Victor?" You turned to face him, staring at the man face that you've grown to love.

"I was drunk. The woman took advantage of me. Look at me, I'm hideous. No woman would want me. I'm surprised you're even my girlfriend," Victor said, his voice in a soft tone.

You knew what he was trying to do, make you take pity on him. It's worked before, but never again.

"Yeah, me too. You're a liar, a cheat, and your addicted to gambling. I can't believe I fell in love with you!" You shouted, not regretting the words that left your mouth.

You were mad, and you've grown to hate the man after several months.

"When we first met, when you saved me, I thought I'd never see you again. Now look at me, I'm about to leave the man I love. And the funny thing about it, he doesn't even love me back," you were on the verge of tears but you didn't want to show weakness in front of him.

Grabbing the duffle bag, you headed out the door. You heard the shouts of Victor wanting you to come back, but you didn't dare to do so. The small apartment you both lived in had paper-thin walls and you were sure everyone had heard your shouting.

Stepping in the elevator, you saw Victor. He was running to you, and you were one thousand percent sure he was crying. It was only when you were gone that he realized how much he really loved you and how many mistakes he made.

And then, that's when the took a blade and made his first cut.
I don't even know.

I decided to come up with a Victor Zsasz oneshot. But look at it, it's horrible.

It is sad, as you broke up with your cheating boyfriend. I don't know man, it's twelve at night right now. It won't be so when I update this though.

Anyway, hope you liked it. It's bad, so you probably won't.

Also, a thing in celebratory of over ten thousand reads, I feel like I should do a thing. If you want, you can comment on what you think I should do. I think a get-to-know the writer could be a thing. Like, I can write some facts about me.

Or, I can hold a contest and write a story for the winner. Or the winner can help me write, like a co-writer or co-owner. But what kind of contest?!

Photo: 'And I made the first cut.' by KellyDawn on DeviantArt.

Also, sorry about the gory stuff about the photo.



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