Interrupted (Red Robin x FirePowered!Reader)

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You grew up with a disability, as some people called it, but you thought of it as a gift. You were able to wield the power of fire. It shocked most people, but now older, you barely used the power.

Wielding the powers of fire had its advantages - even disadvantages. The good news was that you couldn't get hurt or burned by fire or heat. Bad news, your body would heat up when angry or upset (Think about Human Torch (from Fantastic Four) but only when mad and upset).

Tim Drake was your friend - best friend, even. He knew everything about you. Well, except the fact that you had powers and were a vigilante, just like Batman.

You knew this city was bad and wanted to help. So you did. Becoming (V/N) (Vigilante Name) hadn't been a long time plan. It just happened.

You weren't as popular as Batman or Robin, and you didn't want to be. You just wanted to help. You left no signs, no hints if who you were but only brought criminals to justice.

With your help, Gotham was safer. It could've been a small robbery or a bank heist and you would still help.

Right now, you were kneeling down on a rooftop. A robbery was going down at the local convenient store and you waited for, whoever was robbing the store, to come out.

And when they finally did, you spotted two men, with a bag of money and stolen foods.

Jumping from the rooftop, you landed on one of the criminals. He groaned in pain as he lay there, on the wet concrete. He'd be out for awhile, but not long enough.

"Where do you think you're going?" You stopped the other man from running away.

He threw a punch, which you quickly dodged. If he thought he could beat you, he was dead wrong. You were simply unbeatable with your powers. You saw his eyes widen in fear when your hands went up in flames.

"W-What are you?" He asked, shocked and scared.

"Don't you know? I'm (V/N)," you smirked, throwing a small fireball at his arm, making a small fire to his clothing.

He patted it down before the fire could spread and pulled out a gun, pointing it at you.

"Let me go, or you die," he stated, pointing the barrel of the gun to your chest.

'Oh, how unfair and ignorant,' you thought. 'You can't bring a gun to a fistfight.'

Before you could make a move, someone had already done it. The man was hit in the back of the head, and fell to the ground with a grunt.

"They never learn, do they?" He asked.

You recognized his voice almost instantly. It was Tim Drake. Your best friend. You hummed a response, as you didn't want him to recognize you.

"And, who are you?" He asked, stepping closer.

"(V/N). And you're... Red Robin?" You ask, trying to mumble as much, so he would know how you were.

He gave a simple nod. Then, it had became silent for a while.

"You seem awfully familiar," he stated and you panicked.

"Really? Because I've never met a Red Robin before," you said sarcastically.

"(Y/N), is that you?"

"Dammit," you mumbled.

"Why are you (V/N)?" He asked.

"Why are you Red Robin?" You asked.

"This isn't about me. This is about you. Now, tell me, why are you (V/N)?"

"Tim! It isn't like you're not something. I want to help, is that so bad?" You stepped back, hands shaking, skin heating.

"Do you use your powers?" He let his head fall and he wasn't looking at you.

"Of course I do."

"Do you kill?" His final question.

You hesitated. You have killed, but it was an accident. You didn't mean to push her out the window. It happened so fast, you didn't know what to do. So, you moved to Gotham with your family. She was a bully anyway, you didn't deserve it.

"Once. It was before you knew me."

"(Y/N)... You've killed? Was it.. Was it for a good cause?" He stepped closer to you.

"Dammit, Tim! You're asking too many questions. It wasn't on purpose, I didn't mean it. They don't know it was me," your hands had an all too familiar glow and you knew you were going to light up.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" He took another step closer.

Stepping back you ordered him to stay away.

"I-- Go away! You know what happens when I get upset. Tim, for your own sake, stop being friends with me."

"How? How can I wake up without talking to you? How am I supposed to get through life or school without you? (Y/N), you are my rock, my life. I love you."

You froze. Your body became ice cold and you didn't like it. Your hands had lost their firey glow and you stared at Tim. All this time, Tim had feelings for you and you didn't even notice. You never thought anyone would even like you for your power.

"Tim, you're-- "

"No, don't you dare say that I'm lying. Don't you dare use your powers for an excuse for me to not like you. I care for you. I want you," he came closer. You let him this time.

"Tim, I don't-- I don't know what to say. I mean, I never knew you liked me and I just-- "

He pressed his lips against yours and they were warm and made your stomach do summersaults and back flips. It was an unusual feeling but you could get used to it.

Tim pulled back, which you groaned at, and held your face in his hands as he stared at you.

"I love you, I always have. And I won't ever stop," a small smile on his face and he planted another kiss on your lips.

You kissed back without hesitation and you felt Tim smile under the kiss and he pulled on you tightly and closer. When the kiss finished, you both stared at each other, breathing heavily from the long kiss that took your breath.

"Let's go bring these guys to the GCPD."

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