Final (Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane x Reader)

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Being shot hadn't been those most fun thing in your life. Or anybody's life. But, it happened. You couldn't do anything about it. You were helpless, hopeless.

Jonathan had killed the men who shot you. Spraying them with fear toxin, you heard their screams and cries when you lay on your back, a pool of blood surrounding you. It happened so quick, too quick. Jonathan, he was now panicking too much to even control his shaky hands. He was shouting for help, screaming and you wanted to cry.

You were going to die.

"Jonathan," you spoke, slowing reaching for his hands.

"(Y/N), I'm going to get help," he said, his shaking voice made you want to hug him. But in your state, you didn't have the energy.

You shook your head. "No. I don't need it. You'll do better without me."

"What are you talking about?" Jonathan's eyebrows furrowed, his face crunched up.

"I know I've been holding you back. With me gone, you can do so much more. Things you've always wanted to do," you coughed up blood.

"No. No, no, no. (Y/N), you don't know what you're talking about," this time, Jonathan shook his head. His hand squeezed yours.

"I love you Jonathan. I want you to know that. I love the way you get excited when your new books get sent in. I love the way you find out you have a new patient. I love how you are obsessed with fear. I've never met a man more perfect than you. I'm in love with you, Jonathan Crane," you smiled. Your own blood had been smeared over your body, your lips. Your smiled showed your bloody teeth but you didn't care.

"Don't say that. Don't say things like that, like you'll never see me again-- "

"I'm not going to."

"No! I can't-- What am I going to do without you? You're the only reason why I do the things I do. You've pushed me into doing what I love but I don't know if I could keep doing that," Jonathan's hands took place over your wound, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Stop it."

"Why are you saying that? Do you not want to live?!" He screamed, angry that you wouldn't allow him to help you.

"I know I'm going to die. I know that I won't be able to see you again. I want my last moments to be with you. I want my last goodbye to be yours," your blood was on his hands as he rubbed his forehead.

"(Y/N). I won't be able to make it without you. You know that. Why are you trying so hard to leave me?" He had tears, threatening to come out.

"I'm not. I know I'm going to die at some point. Maybe I was meant to die. We'll meet again soon, Jonathan," you smiled again. Jonathan tried his hardest not to cry.

"You're the first girl I ever gave a chance to. The first girl I kissed. The first girl I ever had to hug me. The first girl who wasn't afraid of me. You were my first, and will be my last," Jonathan wiped your blood off his hands on his knees, his breath hitching.

"No. You need to live your life. Find another girl. Find someone who will love you more than I did, start a family."

"I can't. You're the only one who will truly love me. And truthfully, I don't think I'd ever love another," his hands brushed the (H/C) hair our of your face. He gave you one kiss. One kiss that that made you shed tears.

You'd never see him again. You'd never wake up next to him again. You'd never get to say you love him again. You'd never touch him again. Finally, you started to cry.

"I love you so much, Jonathan," your last words. Your last moment with him. Your last breath. Your eyes shut, your body froze, your pulse stopped. Everything had stopped for you.

Jonathan froze. He was angry, upset, lonely. His hand still in yours, he finally broke. His tears fell to the ground. His mind hurt from all the emotions going through him. He never thought he'd get so attached to a girl, enough to cry over. But he did. And it was you.

He had loved you like nothing else. He had treated you like gold, never hurting you and never letting you go. He loved you. He couldn't live without you, he told you that. He thought about it for awhile. Sitting next to you, staring at the gun that had been used to kill you. He had missed you already. He would miss how your (E/C) eyes would greet him when he woke up. He'd miss the way your (H/C) felt, soft and smelling sweet. He'd miss you like a boy missing his lost dog.

Finally making his decision, Jonathan grabbed the gun. Standing up, he put the weapon to his head.

"This may be our final goodbye, but it isn't our final meet. I love you, and always will, (Y/N)," Jonathan said his last words. His final goodbye. Took his final breath. Blinked one final time.

The sound of a gunshot and Jonathan's lifeless body falling is was what came next.

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