Insane (Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane x Reader)

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You loved Jonathan, but he had gotten more and more involved with his fear toxin than to spend time with you. And that's what got him into Arkham Asylum as a patient.

After the incident here in Gotham, where Jonathan had done work with Ra's Al Ghul with an attempt to cover Gotham in his infamous fear toxin. Obviously, it had failed and caused Jonathan to become a patient at Arkham Asylum.

It had taken place three months ago, and you had only now had permission to visit Jonathan at the asylum. They said he was unstable and too insane to have human interaction. With his won fear toxin still in his body, they said he was too afraid to do anything. They, as in the doctors - the kind he had been before Ra's came into the picture.

Now, he had appeared clean from the toxin and was allowed visits from two to six. And lately, all you've been doing is spending those short four hours with him. But, you thought doctors had done their tests wrong. Jonathan had seemed to still have the toxin in his system as he had turned his attention to things he had seen, or thought he had seen, and he spoke to them. You hadn't known what the visions were, and personally you didn't even know what he had feared.

As you knew, from doing experiments with him, the toxin had made people see their greatest fears. With a concentrated dose people would live through the nightmare, but if it was over that, they would die. You've seen, heard, and felt it all happen. You've seen people cry out of fear, scream for someone to help take them off, whatever they were.

This had been your sixth visit this month, and it was only the second week. But, you loved Jonathan too much to not spend the four hours of time he had.

'Time to see the love of my life,' you told yourself before entering Arkham Asylum. You've known Jonathan for a few years, but only had gotten into a serious relationship last year. You were glad to call him the love of your life, because you were sure you loved nobody but him, as he did to you.

"I'm here to see Jonathan Crane," you spoke to the lady at the front desk, as she typed into the computer with her red, manicured nails.

She chewed gum over-dramatically as she stared at you with her blue eyes through her glasses. Her hair was blonde and made into a high ponytail. You had recognized her as a doctor, but was unsure why she was at the front desk, doing secretary work.

"Again? Darling, it's your sixth time this month. You must love the man. Even if he is insane," she giggled and you blushed.

'Only the insane can love each other,' you chuckled to yourself.

Of course, she hadn't known why you laughed but thought it was because of what she said. You glanced at her name tag, and you read H. Quinzel.

"I am aware, thank you. But if you please, could you send someone that'll lead me to his cell?" You asked, tapping the desk. You didn't want to waste time talking to the high pitched, blonde haired doctor with a distinctive Brooklyn-type accent.

"Yeah, sure, honey!" She called a guard to lead to to Jonathan and you thanked him for being so quick on getting you to where you wished to go.

"Jonathan," you spoke in a soft tone, and greeted him with a hug, even if he was in a straightjacket. It was Monday, and you hadn't seen him since last Thursday.

Jonathan's eyes brightened at the sight of you, and he smiled. You knew he had missed you, just as much as you missed him.

"(Y/N), how are you today?" He asked, in a soft voice. He had seemed peaceful, more than usual. Maybe, all the toxin had finally been washed out of him.

"I'm fine," your tone had flattened, and you gave a small frown.

"(Y/N), love, is there something wrong?" He tilted his head in an almost cute way.

"It's just-- I miss you Jonathan. It's been three months and I don't even know how much longer you'll be in here," you felt the tears in your eyes but you held them back.

"It shouldn't take much longer. They say I'm getting better, but I'm not even insane. They just think that. I'm more intelligent and more capable of this job than the doctors that currently work here. Have you seen that Ms. Quinzel?" He gave a short smile, and it reassured you - making you feel better.

"Yeah, she's uh, ... she's something, alright," you chuckled, remembering your conversation with her earlier.

"So, don't worry, (Y/N). I'll be out of here soon."

"I'm working on something if it isn't soon enough," you spoke, trying to keep the cheeky smile off your face. It had failed, and Jonathan knew what you were up to.

"Huh, you really are insane," he smirked. He stared into your (E/C) eyes and you laughed.

"Only for you, Jonathan," you said, planting a small kiss to his lips.

"I should be out of here soon, then?" He suspected.

"Yes, with my knowledge and what you've taught me, I should take this whole island down," giving a small giggle, you glanced at Jonathan who was giving a full-on smile.

"Aren't you glad these visits aren't recorded?" He asked.

You nodded, and continued to spend the last three hours you had left with him for the day. As you headed home, you thought over your plan to rescue Jonathan and how much fear toxin you had. Surely, if you had replaced the water sprinklers with the toxin, you would be in and out without even anyone noticing.

And so, you went home and planned everything, gathered your team. Tomorrow was a new day, and Gotham would receive a new message; don't mess with the insane.
I don't know. I just, ugh. Aren't Jonathan Crane oneshots so cute? Even if you plan to engulf Gotham City in fear toxin.

I thought it was okay, but it doesn't matter what I think. Because I can't vote, or compliment my own work can I? Well, I could but that would be cheating, right?

Comment thoughts, or just some random things!

Photo: 'The good doctor Crane' by caffeinetooth on DeviantArt.



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