Studying Distraction (Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane x Reader)

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Another texting one ;^)
Bold is you, non-bold is J. Crane


It's late.

I know.

How are you?

Tired, but I'm trying to concentrate on this book.

What book?

My chemistry text book. It makes me want to kill myself. I'm not ready for exams.

University is tough.

It's unfair how you're two years older than me, and out of this place.

If I could, I would love to help you study.

I don't think studying would be the only thing we'd do.

I'd ask for consent.

I was joking.

I wasn't.



I've got to study.

You've said that for the last few days.

I know, its horrible. I'm going to fail and never finished university and then I'm going to have to work as a stripper because I can't make a living in my life. It'll be the my only way to make money.

I doubt you'd fail. You're the smartest in my class.

Oh right, I forgot you were my phys. teacher.

If anyone were to read these messages, they wouldn't know what phys you'd be talking about.

Are you going to show these messages to anyone?


Neither am I, so no worries.

I hope not.


I'd give anything to hear you say that, in person.

Your life, even.


Funny, but I don't think I'd allow that.

Fine by me.

Who'd teach my class if you were dead?

Is that all you care about? (Y/N), I'm hurt.

You couldn't get hurt by me even if I punched you in the face.

Are you saying you're weak?

Very weak.

But no, I'd be very upset if you had died. I would probably fall into deep depression, go insane, and fail university

Or just be sad.

That too.

If you were here right now, what would you do?

Are you asking about sex?

If so, then I'm not sure. I don't think it'd be best to have a professor in the same room as a student.

Oh god.

So, you weren't asking about sex.


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