Silly Question (The Riddler/Edward Nygma x Reader)

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This'll be in third person because, why not??
Being told "I love you" would usually bring happiness to anyone's faces. Not (Y/N), of course. Why? Because she didn't want to be romantically involved with anyone. She had never liked anyone, never had a crush, not even wishing to kiss a boy. Gotham wasn't a place for love, (Y/N) knew that. It's cold and rainy days never made her feel happy nor did days have sunlight. It wasn't even a place for children, or anyone in fact.

(Y/N) was always alone, but she went out a lot; she was outgoing. But she was never committed or even tried to have relationships.

Lately, she's been questioning whether she was asexual or just didn't have any emotions. But she thought back to the time where her pet fish had died, she was sad and it was worse than her whole family dying, to her anyway. So the theory about her not having feelings was irrelevant.

Maybe she just hadn't given the chance to anyone. It was either she'd marry them or break up with them. And lately she's been thinking of a man she had met a few months ago; Edward Nygma. She met him while bowling with friends. He was alone, drinking sodas at the diner inside. Then she asked him to join out of friendliness.

They became friends within a few days, and spent most of their days together. She was smart, he knew that. Smart enough to find out who he really was.

The Riddler.

As much as it was dangerous, it was exciting for her. There was never enough spice for (Y/N). She was unpredictable, intelligent, and pretty. An odd combination but it was perfect for Edward.

To the blind eye, Edward seemed like a man with social issues and spent his time designing lamps. But he was exciting, dangerous, and perfect for (Y/N). He made her happy with his riddles - she answered them easily but the tough ones really made her like Edward more.

"Are you doing anything? Tonight, I mean," Edward asked.

Right now, the both of them were playing a game of chess.

"Unless we're going to play chess all night, then no," she smiled and made her move, capturing Edward's king piece. He grunted at this and rubbed his forehead.

"I want to take you out tonight. Bowling, like when we first met."

"Why? So you can watch me beat you at another game?" She teased, her (E/C) eyes locked with his green ones.

"You haven't even beaten me at this one," he almost laughed.

"You know I'm going to."

"Maybe I'm just letting you win," he smirked, finally taking his turn. He moved one of his horses and took down one of (Y/N)'s knights.

"My gosh, Edward. You're cheating! Unfair," she feigned shock and it had only made Edward give out a hearty laugh. She loved when he laughed like that and she wished he did it more.

Edward pursed his lips when (Y/N) took his horse that he just recently used. She saw the rage in his eyes and she knew he wasn't letting her win.

"It seems you're a liar also," she laughed and kicked his foot with hers under the chess table.

"Will you go on the date with me or not?" He said quickly.

"So, it's a date now?" She loved teasing him. Seeing him get flustered, shy and babble words made her want to kiss him. Which was unusual of her. She'd usually want to punch boys in the face when trying something like that.

But she wasn't with boys anymore.

She was with Edward Nygma. The Riddler, a man, a genius, a criminal.

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