Twister (Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane x Reader)

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"C'mon, guys, the movie's about to start!" You heard Harley Quinn yell.

Almost everyone was here - Joker, Jonathan (Scarecrow), Edward (The Riddler), Pam (Poison Ivy), Harley, Jervis (Mad Hatter), Cobblepot (The Penguin), and Harvey (Two-Face) - and you all decided to celebrate. You successfully robbed Gotham City's Royal Bank.

Everything that was needed, was here. Drinks, food, music, and even a big enough house for all nine of you.

Everyone gathered around the large TV as the movie started, it had a good starting. But, you didn't get into until you saw people going into dreams within dreams. It was odd, and you'd never seen any other movie like this - one if the reasons why you liked it. And, there was pretty boys, so who wouldn't like it?

Everyone seemed pretty into it - except Jonathan. You decided to grab his attention, maybe talk to him for a bit. Getting up, you tapped Jonathan on the shoulder before leaving the living room. Waiting a few minutes in the kitchen, Jonathan finally met you.

"Took you long enough," you smiled.

"Was I supposed to be here earlier?" He held a strong stare.

He didn't take the joke.

"Don't worry, forget it. I seen you weren't that interested in the movie," you stated, drinking from the red cup - like everyone else had. The liquid was strong, and almost had a sour taste. You weren't used to drinking this stuff - alcohol wasn't your favorite - but you seemed to find that it was reasonable to drink it. You were celebrating.

"It was okay. I feel like I've seen it before. What about you, did you like it?" He asked, leaning against the arch that lead into the kitchen.

"Meh," you shrugged. "I liked it, but it's not like I can't watch it another time," you set the red cup down when you finally chugged it.

"I never seen you drink, (Y/N), why now?" Jonathan asked, with a sincere look.

"Jonathan, it's time to celebrate! We robbed the Royal Bank. And the bat didn't stop us!" You smiled.

"Don't you think it was a little too easy?" Jonathan asked again.

"Yeah, but we still did it. And it's been almost three hours. Batman's not coming. Stop worrying, celebrate," you playfully punched his shoulder and he sent a smile your way.

You never realized this before - Jonathan was kinda cute, his smile, his eyes, his face - you smiled back, a small blush appearing.

"I celebrate in a different way," he whispered, and it almost gave you hope that he was going to kiss you, maybe even hug you. But, Jonathan was known for not doing those kind of interactions.

For all you know, Jonathan never had a girlfriend. Maybe, maybe not. Maybe Jonathan was still a virgin.

"Oh, yeah? In what way?" You whispered back.

Jonathan gave a smirk, before he pulled out the unexpected.

"With Twister!" He gave you silly look, but you couldn't help but find it cute.

"Oh my god," you heard Edward call from the other side of the room. You gave a small laugh, almost similar to a giggle but you were sure you didn't giggle.

"Who's up for a game of Twister?" You called out, and got the attention of everyone expect Harley and Joker.

"Too bad Alice isn't here," Jervis whined.

"Don't be so grim, Jerv, there's plenty of pretty ladies in Gotham," Harvey gave you a smirk - with his good side - and you rolled your eyes.

"I feel like this won't end well," Selina stated. She decided to sit out and watch the game. Same with Penguin. Those two never had any fun.

"Okay, so four people first, me, Eddie, Pam, and (Y/N)," Jonathan said, pulling out the plastic sheet that had its colourful circles and laid it out.

The spinner was set down, close enough for all players to see and spin it. The rules were to wear socks, so it'd be tricky, and you all obliged.

"First spin, (Y/N)."

You smiled, cracked our knuckles and spun as quick as you could. It landed on red, left foot.

'Easy peazy, lemon squeezy,' you thought.

"My turn," Jonathan stated, spinning the spinner.

Yellow, right hand.

Jonathan decided to go the harder route, under your left leg and you tried your hardest not to move.

"Eddie, your turn," Pam said, giving him a pat on the back.

"I know."

He spun; green, right foot.

He gave out a sigh, almost like he was bored. But you knew the game would get more fun as it proceeded.

"Pam, spin," you spoke, watching her.

She gave a smile, and spun hard, making the spinner seem like it was endless. It finally stopped, landing on blue, left foot. Soon, all of you were tangled in each other legs and arms, and you were destined to fall on each other.

You smiled or laughed at every time Jonathan or Edward touched your butt, or your stomach. They'd say sorry and look away. Although it was cute, you laughed anyway. You didn't mind when Jonathan did it, he'd blush and look at you like you were about to yell at him.

It was the sixth round, and your spin.

"Oh god, this might end it," Edward gulped, acting like it was the end of the world.

"Shush, Ed, you'll ruin it," you argued and spun with your last free hand.

Luckily, it landed on blue, right hand. Your last hand. Your last move. It was all on you, the peer pressure was strong as you heard cheers from Selina and the rest of the group.

The blue circle was right under Jonathan's leg.


Jonathan sent a smile and you felt like you would be able to do that move. Your confidence shattered when you slipped, landing on top of Edward, under Pamela, and your head landed right were Jonathan lips were.

It was very cliché.

You both kissed, but it was cut short when you pushed yourself up in an act of shyness and scooted away from the sheet.

Everyone got up, Jonathan sent you an odd look, but you ignored it. No one seemed to noticed the interaction and continued in with the game.

Harvey wanted to play, as well as Selina. Eddie and Pam played again, they fell in love with the game and, when the night ended, they were the last two playing.

You and Jonathan talked about the small kiss that happened. You said it didn't mean anything to you, but you lied through your teeth, and Jonathan saw that. He said that he would like for you two to be in a relationship.

You acted like a schoolgirl, blushing and screaming inside.

That night, the night you all successfully robbed the Royal Bank and made an official relationship with Jonathan, was the best night of your life.

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