Hurts Like Hell (Batman/Bruce Wayne x Reader)

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  "Bruce served everyone in Gotham good. He fought the crime when cops were corrupt, nothing stopped him. With him taking life risking tasks, he wasn't Batman when he died. He was a great man, and he shall be remembered as much as he was alive," Jim says, his voice breaking by the end of his speech. Losing a friend like Bruce ruined everyone. Damian, his son, had barely been seen from his room and the only time he'd leave it is when everybody was sleeping.

  She loved him too much for anyone to understand, but it seemed so little for anyone to care. And now that he's gone, everyone seemed to suddenly care. They didn't know him like she did, or like Alfred did. Bruce Wayne was her fiancé.

  She doesn't want t people to know how much she really loved him. She doesn't want people to know our secrets. She doesn't want anyone to have him. But now that he's gone, nobody can - not even (Y/N). It hurts her to see him; in a casket, lifeless.


  "I don't know what to say besides that Bruce was a great man. He did a lot and most people don't know this. He's the most caring person I've met in my life and I'm proud to say that he was my fiancé," I say, taking slow breathes just so I don't break down and start crying. Bruce is dead, shot like his parents and I don't even know who did it. He wasn't Batman, he was Bruce when he died. He was my fiancé when he died. And it hurts.

  I finally have to face the reality of losing someone and I've never thought it'd hurt this much. I've cried almost every night since his death. And today; his funeral. It's a closed funeral, with only the closest people to Bruce were here. Damian, Dick, Tim, Jason, Barbara, and Kate, his family. Jim and Alfred, his friends. And me. They're hurting the same as I. I can see their pain in their eyes and it hurts me even more.

  I loved him, and I lost him. And it hurts like hell.


  Everyone I'm close with is here, I watch them grieve over me. (Y/N) is the only one not crying, not ever letting out a tear. She's staying strong, for me. She knows I'd want her to.

  Damian, my son, someone I'd never expected to have, is silently crying with his head down. I feel empty, cold, and shallow. I'll never be able to hear them laugh again. I'll never be able to see them smile.


  "It's not like Bruce was evil. He was everything but evil. He was generous, humorous, and a good friend, father, and soon to be husband," Kate's crying, her breathing is rough and she sounds out of breath.

  "My father will forever be missed and loved. We all suffer today. I don't know how long it'll take for any of us to recover, if we do, but my father would want us all to stay strong. I know it, and I'll make him proud, even if he isn't here," Damian's speech is the most moving. Out of all of them, he is the youngest a d strongest. Brave like his father, and tough like his mother. Losing both your parents takes a toll on anyone, just like Bruce.

  While everyone else says their last words to Bruce, (Y/N) is remembering all the time they've had together. The time they went to the beach, and she got sand kicked in her face by some kid running by her. Or the time her and Bruce went out for a walk, it was raining, and Bruce got splashed from a car driving over a puddle.


  I hadn't even met her parents, nor her siblings. I hadn't seen her childhood home or her favourite toy as a child. I wanted to do so much more but life was taken from me too quickly. It hurts. I can't ever see her in that amazing wedding dress. I can't ever hold her hand again. I can't ever see her eyes light up when I come home from being Batman.

  Had I taken it for granted? Had I thought I was invincible because I was Batman? No. I knew the risks. I know what I would sacrifice. And that was my life. But no, I wasn't Batman when I was shot. I was me, Bruce Wayne.

  I want to wake up. I want to believe this is all a nightmare and I'll wake up next to (Y/N) to see her peaceful state. I miss her already. I miss everyone already. My family, my friends, my everything.

  I'll never get to see her curled up on bed with a book in her hands. I'll never get to see her dance when her favourite comes on. I'll never get to see her parents, and she'll never see mine.

  And it hurts like hell.
Like the song, yeah? I personally like the song, and songs like that give me writing vibes. So, uh, sorry if this made you sad or something.

Look at that Ben Affleck smirk if you're sad. Or better yet, this:

 Or better yet, this:

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