Hello (Nightwing/Dick Grayson x Reader)

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"It's me."


Lately, you've been listening to a new song that has been released. And you were obsessed. You loved it. Dick Grayson had not felt the same way.

"I was wondering if after all these years--"

"Please." Dick groaned.

"--You'd like to meet."

Dick had grown annoyed from the constant singing - yelling, more like it. But you hadn't found it any less than amusing seeing him get angry. You struggled not to laugh while doing this to him.

"TO GO OVER EVERYTHING!" You practically screamed while interrupting Dick.

He face palmed. "Jesus Christ, (Y/N)"

You were sure he wanted to light himself on fire or do something to make him not listen to this. He did this as a joke, getting upset and all. Everyone else in Wayne Manor had loved hearing the two of you yell at each other. Bruce loved it the most. He loved seeing Dick get frustrated and annoyed by your yelling.

You'd even do this in the middle of the night for the heck of it.

"They say that time's supposed to heal ya, but I hadn't done much appeal," you whispered.


"That's it, I'm moving out," Dick got up from the bed you both shared.

"--TO TELL YOU I'M SORRY," you stopped from the laughing fit you've been keeping in. "FOR BREAKING YOUR HEART."

You had an, what seemed like, endless laughing fit to Dick's reaction. You were rolling around in the bed, holding tour stomach as if it would burst. Your (H/C) hair flipping and moving to every way you moved your head. This has stopped when Dick slammed the door after leaving.

"Hello?" You weren't singing the song this time.

You jumped up, going after Dick. He was going down the stairs when you opened the door.

"Where are you going?" You followed him.

"Away from you and your screeching," he grumbled and you almost muffled a laugh as you poked his back when you caught up to him. You knew you were being annoying, but it was simply for fun.

"You're not supposed to say that to your girlfriend," you gave a fake pout.

"Yeah, I'm totally rethinking the choices I've made," he said sarcastically.

You pushed him when he said that. He laughed and put his hands up in surrender.

"I'm joking. You're small but I definitely wouldn't want to upset you. Singing isn't the worst thing you can do."

"Is that a compliment or..?"

"Probably not, but don't think of it as an insult. I do not have a death wish," he chuckled as he leaned against the kitchen counter.

You smiled at him, going up on your tippy-toes for a second.

"You're so cute when you do that," Dick had said.

You did it again.

This made him laugh. It was like it was contagious because you had started laughing. Wearing one of his dress shirts, it had made you look smaller than you already were. And to him, you looked cuter than ever and he wanted to hug you until you were out of breath. He wouldn't though.

"Do you want me to stop singing?" You tilted your head.

To this, he grabbed your hand and pulled you into a hug.

"Singing it every ten minutes kinda gets annoying. But, no. I don't want you to stop. It's what makes you you. And I love you," he patted your (H/L), (H/C) hair as you hugged him a little tighter than usual.

"I love you too, Dick," you giggled. "Can we go back to our room?"


You both walked up, hands holding each others and you both were happy. When you got inside, you jumped on your bed and lay there, thinking about Dick. Dick lay next to you, an arm around your waist.

"Promise me you'll never play that song again?" He mumbled against the pillow under his head.

"Hello? How are you?" The song played from your phone. You had forgotten this was your ringtone.

Your laugh had muffled Dick's groaning.
Was literally me when this song was released. Anyway, I thought this one was really cute. Really cute and really short.

If I had gotten the lyrics wrong, sue me.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



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