A Lot Like Him (Pre-Teen!Jonathan Crane x Pre-Teen!Reader)

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Quick A/N, your going to be young in this Oneshot, same with little Johnny Crane. Enjoy.

"Class, we have a new student today. Everyone, say hello to (Y/N)," an old woman had said, through a feigned smile.

You smiled brightly and waved at everyone as they said their hellos. All expect one, a boy that sat in the back. He wore glasses and his brown hair had covered his face as he stared at his desk.

"The only seat available is the one next to Jonathan, in the back. Please, take a seat," your new teacher pointed at the boy and you quickly sat next to him.

You could feel his eyes on you but you had simply ignored it and started to write notes from the chalk board. But, getting interrupted from writing, you felt a poke and then a ball of paper was thrown on your desk. You jerked your head to look at the boy, but he was staring at his desk, once again.

'What is your fear?' Was written in sloppy writing.

You furrowed your eyebrows and thought, "What is my fear?"

You never thought of your fear before, you simply thought nothing had scared you. No one had ever asked you what you feared so, it never crossed your mind.

'I don't know.' You wrote back and passed it back to Jonathan.

Not a second later, it was passed back to you.

'How could you NOT know your fear?' You managed to read through his sloppy writing.

Just when you were going to reply, the teacher had snatched the paper from your desk.

"Passing notes on the first day?" She questioned, giving you a smirk.

"No!" You quickly answered.

"Should I have to read it to the class?" She asked, and that gained laughs from around the room.

"No, it wasn't my fault. It was him!" You pointed to the boy, who you learned to be, Jonathan.

"Jonathan? And, no one likes a tattletale. No passing notes, just for that, you're now touring (Y/N) around the school."

You heard a low groan come from him and you smiled, happy you weren't getting in trouble. The rest of the day went on and it was lunch. Time for you to eat, then be toured around by Jonathan. You were eating your lunch, with a couple of girls you had made friends with, when Jonathan came towards you.

"Ugh, it's Scarecrow. Watch out, (Y/N), he'll scare you to death!" Some of the girls had laughed.

"Scarecrow?" You stopped chewing on your sandwich.

"Yeah, rumor has it, he likes to scare things and a lot of people call him Scarecrow. It kind of fits. Since, he is tall, skinny, and unfit," a girl, who's name was Holly, had laughed. The two other had laughed, their names were Wendy and Summer.

You suddenly felt your stomach twist and you became slightly angry at them, "You know, you shouldn't make fun of people when you don't know them."

"Oh? Does (Y/N) have feelings for The Scarecrow? (Y/N) likes Scarecrow!" Wendy laughed in your face.

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