Future Plans - REQUEST - (Arkham Knight/Jason Todd x OC)

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I awoke to the sounds of sirens, the usual in Gotham City. The room I was in was cold, empty. Jason made me live here because of Scarecrow.

He was after me and I didn't even know why. Maybe because I was the only civilian who wasn't working for anybody. Because I was alone in my apartment the night he came? Luckily, Jason had also came that night.

He hadn't told me anything since I came here, wherever that was. But, it was nice not being bothered by Bruce every few days.

"Kat, I've got food," I heard Jason from the other side of the door.

"Okay, you can come in."

Jason would alert me every time he came, hoping he wouldn't walk in on something I didn't want him to see.

The door opened, revealing a sweaty Jason. Why? I don't know.

"What's for supper, honey?" I joked.


"Oh," my lips made a shaped O.

I was handed the paper plate with warm pizza in it. It was pepperoni, my favorite.

"So, with Gotham under attack, how do you get pizza?" I asked.

"Is this really what your asking me? You're being hunted down, Kat." Jason said. He sat next to me on the thin mattress.

"It's not like I'm afraid of dying Jason."

"You're not?" He was shocked, I could tell by the look on his face.

"Do you know about the Lazarus Pit? Ras Al Ghul?"

He gave a simple nod.

"Well, that stuff, in the Pit, can make you immortal," I said.

"Oh yeah? And who's gonna throw you in that when you die?" He lifted an eyebrow and smirked.

"You, obviously. I mean, you do love me right?" I gave a short smile, to lighten the mood. Only, I was serious about this. I don't think Jason was.

"Of course. But, what if I'm not there?" He asked.

"Then Bruce will have to do it," I tried again.

Jason was silent for a while. Until he rose from the bed.

"Do you really think Bruce will mourn over you enough to throw you in there? Kat, it was all his fault! His fault that I was tortured! Almost killed. He wasn't the one who saved me, I saved myself," Jason yelled, his voice pinged with sadness.

"What are you taking about? Bruce couldn't bare having you gone! We all couldn't!" I stood up this time.

"Then why didn't he save me? Why didn't he look for me? I waited, hoping he'd find me. But, not once did he show. Not when I needed him the most," Jason's eyes reddened and became watery.

He was going to cry.

"Jason.. I-- Bruce didn't know you were alive. We all thought Joker had really killed you. Barbara, Kate, Dick, Alfred and me had missed you. We cried over you. It wasn't his fault."

"Liar! It was all his fault! Every bit of it! He forgot about me, got a new partner as soon as I left, didn't he?"

"Jason, it's not - !"

"Don't lie to me! I know the truth, Kat."

"How many times do I have to tell you? It wasn't his fault! He missed you the most out of all of us. Does he even know your alive?" I asked, my face softening.

"No. And he won't. I've got to go," he gave me a quick kiss to me and left.

I sat, thinking everything over.

'How could Jason think something like that? We all loved him and mourned over him,' I thought, laying on the mattress.

I fell asleep almost after my head hit the pillows. When I woke up this time, the sun was out. For once, the room actually looked brighter. I still couldn't forget about my conversation with Jason earlier.

I loved him, but did he really blame Bruce for him being tortured? None of use knew he was alive, we mourned over him. It was like he had actually died.

The door suddenly opened, which made me jump from the sudden interruption from silence.

"Kat, I-- "

"What did you mean when you said it was Bruce's fault?" I interrupted him.

"Exactly what it sounds like. It was his fault I almost died. I will never forgive him."

"It wasn't. I've spent the last few months with Bruce. He misses you, we all do. Why don't you just come home?"

"I can't! I have to-- " He stopped himself from saying what he was about to.

I sat up from the mattress and walked up to him.

"I have to tell you something - it's important. Will you listen?" He looked down at me.

I gave a small nod.

"It might scare you, might not. Depending on how well you take it," he looked at me with worry in his eyes.

"Just tell me!" I smiled.

"I'm the Arkham Knight," he looked at me with no emotion.



I couldn't process it. Jason - the Arkham Knight? He was Robin. How much did he really hate Bruce?

"Why was Scarecrow after me then?" I asked.

"He knew you were in the city. He knows my friends and enemies. But, he doesn't know that Bruce is Batman. And he's going to use everything against Bruce. He even knows that you're a friend of his," Jason grabbed a hold of my hand.

"You're on his side, though. You're the villain. You're hurting people, more than they'll ever imagine."

"It's not my fault!"

I stepped back, until I hit the mattress and sat in it, thinking. It was silent. Until Jason spoke.

"Do you hate me?" He asked.

"No," I said without hesitation. I couldn't hate him. I loved him, and I couldn't think of it the other way. If I had hated Jason, I wouldn't have let him inside my apartment the first night he came.


"I mean, how could I? You're the best boyfriend ever. I couldn't think of you as just a friend. You're kind, sweet, and a little overprotective. Which I like," I looked up at him.

Jason smiled, for the first time since I've been here. And it made me smile back.

"Kat, I love you."

"I love you too," I replied almost instantly.

"Will you marry me?" He suddenly asked.

I paused. It felt as if my heart stopped, my throat dried, and my jaw dropped to the floor.

"I mean, when this is over. I can't stand not being with you. I'll buy you a ring, anything. Just say yes," he knelt down in one knee.

"When this is over, I will marry you. But, after tonight, you cannot be the Knight or hurt Bruce."

Jason gave out a sigh, but nodded.


"Then, yes. I will marry you," I smiled.

"I love you," he said, before coming closer and giving me a kiss and i had happily returned a kiss. His kisses were soft, passionate. But, they had become more rough but still filled with passion.

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