New and Awesome - REQUEST - (Edward Nygma/The Riddler x OC)

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She was the engineer everyone knew. He was The Riddler everyone hated. He needed her help, she refused to do so.

Lily Warnen was one of Gotham's best, everyone knew it - even Nygma himself. He needed help for his new plan, and he knew just who could. Of course, Lily hadn't gone by choice, Edward had kidnapped her.

Not the nicest way to ask someone to help you, is it? Edward only cared for himself, as well as Lily. Lily hated the man when she had been taken while walking to her small apartment two nights ago. Her life had turned upside down and she worried about her family and friends.

She hadn't eaten a proper meal in days, her brown hair was unkept and greasy. But, Edward promised he would pay her and so she did what she was asked.

A few days had passed and Edward had been nicer than ever and Lily had grown some sort of feeling for the man - as if she liked him. She doubted it, but she was unsure of herself and ignored it.


"Lily, I need you too fix one of the switches in the other room," Edward spoke to me, in a soft voice. I've grown to like him, but it was wrong. I knew that it was wrong, but I couldn't help it.

'Feelings are dumb.'

"On it, Nygma."

"Oh, and could you come to my office once you are done?" He smiled and I wished he did it more often.

"Sure, I'll be done shortly," I exited the room and went into another.

'So, a switch? Should be easy,' I thought to myself. Edward would find small mistakes and make me fix them, which he could easily do since I had taught him a few tricks.

Being the best engineer was a great title, it was my passion and I loved it. I wouldn't give anything up for it.

And so, I fixed the switch - I had to rearrange some wires and it worked like new. Now, off to Nygma's office.

Obviously it hadn't taken long to get there, luckily. I knocked, as I was told to do every time before I entered, and Edward called for me to enter.

"Lily, come in!" I could hear pleasure in his voice.

'What's he happy about now?'

"Why did you need me, Nygma?" I sat on one of his chairs, as much as I hated how hard they were.

"If you will, please call me Edward - Eddie even," He suggested and I simply nodded, signaling him to continue. "As you may know, we've known each other for a while now, and I think -"

"You're not kicking me out are you?" Fear struck through me as I didn't want to leave this man. Maybe it was wrong to like - maybe even love - this man, but it felt so right.

"Hah, no. I'd be silly to do so. Anyway, I think we'd be a great duo. And so, Lily Warnen, would you take the honour of being by my side, as my partner, sidekick - maybe even lover?" He asked, and I noticed a small blush on his cheeks.

A giggle erupted from me and I instantly smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Yes, Edward! I would love to work with you and your brilliant mind!"

Before I could even think, the man kissed me and my stomach had odd feelings as I became even more happier than I already was.

At least I didn't have to confess, as he already did.

"So, Lily, what will your name be?" He asked as he parted away from my lips.

I thought for a while, as I didn't know what to call myself for a villain.

"I-I don't know. Maybe I can get back to you on it?" I gave a small smile as he nodded, letting me think.

"Take as much time as you want, we won't be doing anything soon."


Lily had found out her villain name, she had thought it was perfect. She had created an outfit. It was a pink dress with black stripes, which matched her boots that were also black and she had included a blonde wig which made her unrecognized.

"Eddie!" Lily called out.

"Yes, dear?" He walked into the room she had dressed herself in. He was shocked by the outfit, but thought of her as beautiful - like always.

"Meet Miss Unorthodox, your new - and awesome - sidekick."
For ConstrictedAnarchist because you are great and I am so sorry it took me forever to write this. It's probably not that well-written as hoped, but I hope you like it. As well as my readers, I hope you liked it as well, I wouldn't have gotten this far without you.

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