Chiroptophobia (Teenager!Damian Wayne x Teenager!Reader)

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(Y/N) and Damian will share a room.

Teachers make total bogus decisions when it comes to groups. Yeah sure I want to be with my friends, but what do I get? The total opposite. I get paired with Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne's kid. We hate each other, I don't know why but we just do. I hate his stupid face and I hate his stupid hair that he puts, like, ten bottles of hair gel in.

This camping trip we're going on, with our class, was supposed to be the best time of the school year. But no, our teacher literally likes to see me cringe in disgust. I've tried to talk to Mr. Peirce about it, but he doesn't give me the time of day. I'm sure he just wants to see us fight and end up killing each other. He's evil like that. He finds enjoyment in students hating each other.

"I'm going to make this trip a living hell for you," Damian whispered to me as everyone gets on the school bus.

"Don't you mean living gel? Isn't that what you have in your hair?" I snicker at my response. Aren't I genius?

"I don't put gel in my hair, you idiot," he pushes me lightly. I gasp, turn around and stare at him. If looks could kill, he'd be dead in an instant.

"What is it then? You don't wash your hair so it's just greasy and dirty?"

Before he can reply, or insult me, I run into the bus, carrying my bag of clothes behind me. I take the only seat that's left, and put my bag next to me so Damian can't sit next to me. But when he gets on the bus and complains that there's no where to sit, Mr. Peirce orders me to let him sit next to me. My plan is foiled. Damian sits next to me as the bus starts to move.

"Don't you have friends to sit with?"

"Don't you?"

"I do, but I'd rather sit in front. That way, I'll be the first one off and I'll be able to choose rooms," I turn my head to him and explain why front row seats are the best in buses. It's like being in a concert. Everyone wants front row seats in a concert.

"You know that we'll be picking together right?" He asks.

"Like I'd let you chose the room," I almost scoff at him.

"Ugh, you're impossible. I can't believe Mr. Pierce made us partners!" Even though he yelled, nobody can hear besides me. Everyone else is talking to loudly and minding their own business to care.

"The feeling's mutual," I glare at him for a second but turn my head to look out the window and enjoy the scenery of the ride.

The whole ride was dreadful, Damian kept trying to talk to me and the gravel road was bumpy. I swear I almost threw up (if it was on Damian, I wouldn't mind that much). The only good thing is that we stopped at a restaurant to have a quick lunch.

When we arrived, I found Damian sleeping. I smile. Now was the time to scare him. I prepare myself, holding out my arms so I can shake him. "Damian!" I shake him the hardest I can. He wakes up with a yell and sits up straight. I give out a laugh that lasts for about four minutes. And because of that, were the last one's off the bus. Everyone is already settled in their rooms when Damian and I get off with our bags.

"(Y/N), we have last pick," he says to me. I look up him - I want to put a curse in him for being so tall - and groan.

"It's all your fault."

"I was sleeping. You're the one who decided it was cool to pull that prank on me. You laughed for, like, an hour," he walked to Mr. Pierce. I'm frustrated at this point. Maybe it was my fault. Maybe it wasn't. Who knows?

"I did not!" I run after him. This was definitely his fault. If he hadn't fallen asleep and been so vulnerable to me, this wouldn't have happened.

"Mr. Peirce, where's our cabin?" Damian asks our demon of a teacher and I swear I hear him cackle. I literally don't know why or how he can act like this towards us. Especially towards Damian. He's an actual gym rat. Well, not really. But the boy's built. And he's tall so, that doesn't make him any less weak. I'm not saying he's strong, I could probably beat him in an arm wrestling match. Probably.

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