College Party (Gotham!James Gordon x Reader)

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"Nobody knows me there," you tried to get your way out of your friend's party. Not their party, but a friend of a friend. They'd always make you go to parties with them and you hated it. You weren't the out-going type.

  You always asked yourself; what am I doing here? Parties were never your thing. You hated the loud music you'd never listen to, the boys who couldn't handle what was their cups, and the girls who tried to get with someone they'd never meet again. Everything about it was unlike of you.

  If you had to be honest with yourself, you'd rather be with your family and watch home videos.

  "You haven't even been there yet. Maybe you'd meet someone you know? That boy at the coffee shop?" Your friend winked.

  "There's, like, a thousand boys at the coffee shop and nobody I know goes to parties," you gave a sarcastic smile, hoping you'd finally be able to not go. You hoped so. But, it didn't happen that way.

  "You're going. No exceptions."

  "You make me cry."

  "Tears of joy, though."

  You scoffed. Your friend was the one who went out a lot, to parties. In fact, you both were complete opposites. To anyone, they'd think you were the third wheel when it came to your friends relationships.

  You both arrived at the party. The house blasted weird music that you already disliked. The front balcony had both boys and girls who talked, someone even fell over themselves, somehow. You spotted a boy sprawled out on the lawn, with drawings on his face.

  Going inside might have been worse than being outside. Clouds of smoke fogged your vision and the smell of booze came to your nose. Boys that were taller and shorter than you smirked and stared at you for quiet awhile. You tried to ignore everything and followed your friend. They had met up with a group. They all held red cups. Most of them weren't even the legal age to be drinking.

  You coughed a couple of times, from the smoke that you didn't want to inhale but couldn't avoid. You looked around, hoping to find a place rid of people and smoke. People bumped into you, while passing by and you doubted they even cared to say sorry. Until one boy did - he spilled a drink on you by accident.

  "Oh, I'm so sorry," he gasped. You wanted to disappear, go six feet under, or set yourself on fire. "Are you okay?" He somehow found a ton of napkins and tried to wiped whatever wetness that was on you. The drink was spilled on your shoulder. You were thankful it hadn't been spilled on your chest - or in that area.

  "It-- I'm okay," you stammered, unable to access the right words. You were embarrassed. How does one act casual when embarrassed?

  "Say, if you want, I can get you a drink," he smiled after throwing away the wet napkins he had used. You almost gagged. That was probably a pick-up trick; boy spills a drink on girl, boy offers drink, girl accepts offer, boy and girl later setup a date. Classic, old - but it wouldn't work on you.

  "I don't drink, but thank you," you had walked closer to your friend, not even saying goodbye to the boy. He sighed.

  "(Y/N), have a drink. Don't be such a party-pooper," your friend had spoke, making you shake your head.

  "I'll be over here," you pointed to towards the girl in the corner who was vomiting up whatever she had eaten and drank today. Your friend had mumbled a simple okay and you left to the corner. It was a few minutes of watching people yell and laugh, you got bored again. You sighed, crossing your arms.

  "Did your friend drag you here too?" A male voice asked. You moved your head to wherever the voice came from, and saw a man in a simple grey T-shirt. He looked uncomfortable. He had short, light brown, hair, very noticeable blue eyes, and he was tall.

  You nodded to his question, smirking at the sight of your friend heavily kissing a boy she doesn't know. The man, whoever he was, was pushed by someone passing by. You seen his cheeks blush as he bumped into you, quickly and softly pushing him back. You smiled.

  "Ah, I'm sorry," he apologized and avoided eye contact. He seemed, somewhat, cute.

  "It's okay. What's your name?" You asked, trying to gain eye contact with him. Now, you weren't the most social, but you could tell he was one of the few people sober in the house, including yourself.

  "Uh, Jim– James. James Gordon," he smiled, looked up to meet your glance. He smiled a half-smile, it was cute.

  "Do you have two names?" You were confused at how he said two names.

  "Jim is. . .sort of, a nickname. I prefer James." He shifts his stance and you spot a shiny object in his pocket of the inside of his jacket. A badge.

  "I prefer James too, it's a nice name." This made James blush, chuckle then put his hands in his pockets. "I'm (Y/N)."

  "It's a nice name. I've only met a few people in Gotham with that name," James stated.

  "GCDP, huh?" You suddenly asked. You furrow your eyebrows a bit when his smile stops.

  "I was hoping to keep that secret," he said while nervously biting his lip. His eyebrows raise, when he sees you smile.

  "Aren't you a little old for parties?" You joked, smiling.

  "I'm only twenty-six!" He countered, as if he was offended. This made you laugh. It felt nice to have a normal conversation with someone who wasn't drunk or didn't reek of cigarettes, or any other substances being passed around the house.

  "Okay, okay." You chuckle, putting up your arms, jokingly, in defense.

  "Didn't think I'd ever see a cop at a college party," to this, James shrugs and then explains why he is actually there. His partner, Harvey Bullock, had explained how people that were involved in a case resided here. But James knew it was just another excuse to drink or find a girl for the night.

  "Actually, uh, he's over there." James pointed over your shoulder. You turned, only seeing your friend again. She was kissing James' partner.

  "That's Harvey?!"

  "Heh, yup."

  "And that's my friend."

  James was silent, didn't know how to react. Harvey was much older than anyone at this party, he knew. And he knew your friend was much younger than his partner.

  "Oh, boy. Hopefully she won't remember."

  "He's not that bad," James paused. "Actually, I take that back. He- He's not the worst."

  You laughed. With the loud music, and the constant talking, everything between you two still felt peaceful. You didn't have your attention anywhere else, as did he. It was nice.

  "I know both of out schedules are probably pretty busy, but would you like to go for lunch anytime?" He was nervous. It was cute. He was probably the only one who you could handle talking to right now, which you didn't mind.

  You smiled. "I'd like that."

  You both exchanged numbers. Maybe college wouldn't be so boring if you had a cop boyfriend. Or just a boyfriend in general, if it even got that far. The first thing you did was text him when you got home. Harvey also got your friends number, which was weird for her.

  The date was set for next week, and you were more ready than ever before. You actually liked him. You just hoped he liked you back.

  Your friend knocks on your door, her phone in her hand. "Hey, (Y/N," you meet her gaze. "Do you know a Harvey Bullock?"

  You couldn't help but laugh.


P l e a s e  f o r g i v e  m e.

I've been thinking of making these gender neutral?? If you'd like that - please tell me. I want to respect you guys, and make it so anyone can be comfortable reading these!! It'd help me out if you tell me your opinion!!!

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