Hun (Teenage!Jonathan Crane x Teenage!Reader)

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Kinda an AU I was thinking of. I don't know if it's already been made, but like, Jonathan as the cool boy in highschool (he still has his obsession with fear) and you, as a regular student which Jonathan has taken a liking to. He's overly confident, and thinks every girl likes him (the kind of people I hate, honestly).

I hope you like it.
  As you make your way off the schoolyard, Jonathan watches from a distance. His friends are too busy talking and laughing to notice his long stare. Lately, Jonathan has been wanting to be friends with you. You couldn't care less, you didn't even care that he existed and frankly, you didn't care what he wanted. He could ask for your hand in marriage but you'd still think spending time by yourself was more important.

  "Hey, guys, I think I'll catch up with you later," Jonathan says to his friends, who nod and say their own goodbyes.

  "Can I come?" A girl, Mary, asks. Mary's a popular girl. She has friends in different grades, even different schools. She has a crush on Jonathan, but doesn't know how to keep it unnoticed.

  "I'm okay by myself," Jonathan shakes his head, then smirks at Mary. He knows how to make a girl giggle like they're five.

  Everyone likes Jonathan. The charismatic, humorous, and handsome boy likes having a lot of friends. But he has his secrets. Jonathan has an. . . obsession. He likes the concept of fear, and the mind's power over the body's. Though, he keeps it private, not even telling his father. He keeps his private life. . .well, private. His mother had died in a fire, but his father still manages to take care of the seventeen year old boy.

  You wait at a bus stop when Jonathan approaches you. It isn't far from the school, so anyone who wanted to could easily watch Jonathan talk to you.

  Jonathan quickly enters the bus stop, putting his hands in his leather jacket pockets. Once you glance at him he smirks, then starts to speak. "Hey."

  "Um, hi," you aren't completely bothered by him talking to you, it was very awkward though - for you.

  "I'm Jonathan, but I think you know that already," he smirks again and you feel like scoffing at him.

  "Yes, and I also know how full of yourself you are," you give a sarcastic, wide smile and turn your head to him.

  He laughs. "Why don't we talk?"

  "Because, we're complete opposites. We have nothing in common," you state, annoyed by him already. He's being cocky and you already hate him.

  "How do you know that? We could find out a few things about each other; go out with me tonight?" He steps closer to you, which only results in you going farther away from him.

  "Do you ask every girl you just met to go out with you?" You reply, but keep your eyes on the road to search if there's any upcoming buses.

  "No, but I can make an exception."

  "You're revolting," you look at him, face full of disgust. "Besides," you turn your head away, "isn't there that girl, Margret or something?"

  "Her name's Mary. But no, she's not an option for me."

  "Oh, and I am?"

  "See? Even you see it," he chuckles, moving his hands in his pockets.

  "I honestly don't know why you're talking to me," you study his facial features; dark hair, bright blue eyes, and cheekbones you would die for.

  "Hun, there's a lot you don't know about me."

  "Don't call me that," you demand, furrowing your eyebrows at the sudden pet name. Jonathan is tall for his age, and you can easily see his toned muscles under his white T-shirt that shows under his unzipped leather jacket.

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