Miss You (Bruce Wayne x Reader)

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I think I miss you

I can't really be sure though

I miss you in bedrooms
and in hallways

I miss spelling your existence
with my words

Late at night
when the world felt so complex and profound
and you were there in the library
among my books

You were constructed out of words
that I had to spell out
and arrange
and make sense of

I miss the feelings of the dust
coating the back of my throat while I breathe deeply

The scent of books
and letters
and words
and you

God, I miss you
that sounds sappy

I told myself I was going
to write it all down
try and avoid
as many clichés as possible

I was going to describe you
and paint you
with words
so I could never forgot you
and how it felt to be with you

I was going to construct you
from black and white letters on a page
and I was going to leave nothing out

But I guess I'm failing miserably

You would've laughed at that
I think

I can't remember
I'm trying
I'm trying

But every moment I keep thinking
how much I don't want to forget you
I forget a little more

What you would've laughed at
the way your tank top straps would slide off your shoulders
or the way you tied your shoes

And in the end it comes backs to
I. Miss. You.

I miss you
I miss you
I miss you

All the letters
of all the words
in all the languages
with which to capture you
you slip away
and all I can think is
I miss you

Because time is quickly erasing you away
letter by letter
moment by moment

And soon enough
I won't be able to remember the words that make up
your passion for music
the way you tied up your hair

Soon enough
word after word will fall away
and I will be left blind
and illiterate
and deaf

And I will forget how to speak
the language of you

And God
I will forget how to miss you




#203 in fanfiction??? How?? But that's great! I have really bad writers block and a lot of school work so I hope you don't mind.

You can basically imagine this being from any character you want, if you don't want a letter from Bruce. This might be OOC, but yeah. And I hope you some-what liked this. If you didn't - same. 

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