Love For Freedom (Bane x Reader)

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You hated Gotham. You didn't want to live here, ever. Even when little, you wanted to move. Nothing peaked your interest here. It was boring, and nonetheless dangerous.

With all its criminals and crime lords, you hated it even more. Gotham's dark and cloudy days made you sad, and depressed.

Luckily, you had made a friend and Gotham was slightly better with him/her. You'd visit and have get-togethers almost everyday. You've never expected to make great friends with (F/N) (Friends Name).

Now, it was bad. (F/N) had gotten in with the criminals. Dealing with them and all other unspeakable things. Now, (F/N) was missing. And you missed him/her. You wanted to look for him/her.

"Hello, this is the GCPD, what is your emergency?" A female voice said over the phone.

"Hello. I'd like to report a missing person," you said, your voice shaking.

"How long have they been missing for? Their name?"

"(His/Her) name is (F/F/N) (Friend's Full Name). I last seen (him/her) yesterday day," you stated.

(F/N) was gone. You knew it. You felt it. And you didn't like that feeling.

"Okay. You cannot report a missing person because it has to be a whole fourty-eight hours before you actually can," the woman said.

You felt your heart drop. You couldn't file a report because the fourty-eight hour rule. And you hated it.

"(He/She) could be dead! And it'll be all your fault because of that stupid rule!" You suddenly got angry.

"I'm sorry that I cannot help."

"No, you're not. I bet you don't even care," you hung up on her.

You let out a scream. A frustrated, angry scream. Your shoulders shook as you sobbed. You didn't want this to be real.

You wanted-- no, needed to find (F/N). You couldn't survive Gotham without him/her.

'I guess I'm going out to look you (F/N),' you thought.

You knew this was a bad idea. But, you needed (F/N). It was late, and Gotham's finest criminals were probably out. But, you didn't care. You had to find (F/N).

Getting dressed and putting on your shoes, you headed out of your house on a search for (F/N).


It had been at least two hours since you left you house, and no luck. Gotham was dead, which was rare. You've only seen a few people, and a group of kids who were drinking and being loud.

You decided to end the search. It wouldn't work. A one person search was never enough.

You cried on your way back home. Until, you heard a muffled scream. Your head jerked to wherever the sound had came from. You hoped for it to be (F/N), but you also didn't. Because, whoever was screaming was in a lot of pain.

"Be quiet!" You heard a deep voice, then a grunt.

"Hello? (F/N)?" You stepped closer to the voices. In an alley.

It had gone eerily quiet and you didn't like it. Finally, you went in the alley and found two people. One was tall, muscular while the other one was crouched down, quietly crying.

And you knew who it was.

"(F/N)!! Oh my god!" You bursted out, quickly regretting it because the muscular one turned around.

You knew who that was; Bane.

"Who...are you?" He asked, a deep accent following.

He wore a leather coat, a shirt under it, and a pair of pants. He was bald, and his eyes were brown. But, it wasn't like you cared. You stated at (F/N) with sad eyes. (He/She) was being beaten up. (He/She) probably owed money.

"I'm (Y/N)," you stuttered.

A yell came from (F/N), making a tear fall from your eye.

"What are you doing here?" He asked again.

"You see, (F/N) is my friend-- "

"What are you doing here?"

"To get (F/N) back. You can't do this," You said.

"Who are you to tell me what to do? I've never met you in my life and, you think you can boss me around?" He stepped closer, close enough to get his scent. As much as you hated it, you liked it. But he was the bad guy right now. You didn't want to like him. Not now.

"I-- I need to take (F/N) home," you cringed at him being so close.

"You see, that's the problem. Me and (F/N) have some business to discuss."

"(His/Her) mouth is covered though," you thought you were being sarcastic but you were just making it worse.

The huge man, Bane, had stepped closer to you. Closer than before. Chest to chest.

"Would you like to join our business, (Y/N)?" He asked, trying to scare you.

The way he said your name was soothing. You almost smiled at it. His smooth accent made the words seem as if they were made up.

"How 'bout we settle on something? Maybe a deal? I don't want any more damage to be done," you requested, attempting to smile at him.

He didn't seem like the one to make deals, but maybe he'd change his mind.

"What kind of deal?" Bane asked, stepping back and crossing his arms.

You glanced at (F/N), giving (Him/Her) a sad look. Then, back at Bane. You said the quickest thing that came to your mind.

"Anything you want. I'll give it," you almost regretted it, but you needed to save (F/N).

"Anything?" He repeated.

"Anything. I just...don't want to have (F/N) hurt anymore," you almost started crying again. You refused to shed tears. If you are going to cry, it wasn't going to be in front of Bane.

"I'll settle on something. Take this, I'll call you when I've settled on it," he handed a small phone. You didn't know why he gave you it.

"What for?" You motioned to the phone.

"I'll call it, when I have my deal ready."

"Okay, thank you," You thanked him, smiling and running to him.

You did what you had thought you'd never do in your life. You hugged him. It was a small, short hug. You couldn't even fit your arms around him.

You stepped back before he could hug you back. And he planned to do so, which was more unexpected. Now, running to (F/N), you undid the ties that were one their arms and face.

(F/N) instantly fell, sobbing while wrapping (His/Her) arms around you. You hugged (Him/Her), smiling and chuckling from happiness.

"Thank you, (Y/N)."

You didn't reply, you kissed (His/Her) forehead and hugged (Him/Her) tighter. You both stayed like this for a while.

Without noticing, Bane was watching you both. Admiring you, studying you. He knew he was going to like you. Be had already made up his mind. He was going to ask you one a date.

You'd have to give your love for (F/N)'s freedom. You didn't mind, even if you didn't know the deal, not yet. You liked Bane. His accent, his tallness. He was certainly likable, you knew that when you saw him.


By now, two months later, you've grown to like Bane. You've both met up numerous times and decided on a relationship. Officially together.

(F/N) hadn't liked the relationship, but knew you were happy. So, they had accepted it, and you were eternally thankful for their decision.

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