Happy New Year (Deadshot/Floyd Lawton x Reader)

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It was New Year's Eve. Everyone was filled with excitement, even you. You were surprised at how fast this year had passed for you. This year, you met a man named Floyd and you were glad to call him a friend. Floyd had been keeping his distance lately, this made you sad. Being his friend for the last year, and spending most of your time together, this was odd for him to suddenly stopped being around you.

Your other friend Pamela, otherwise known as Poison Ivy, had been with him a lot. They talked in hushed tones as you walked by. As much as you want to eavesdrop, you didn't. You respected his privacy, even if you were upset that he might be doing something else with Pamela.

You knew she was beautiful, and she used her plant toxin to make men fall in love with her. But, you felt as if you weren't friends with her anymore, either.


You sat near a window, looking out at the snowy night. It was near ten P.M, but you were alone. You hoped for everyone to be together, celebrating for the new year. But no one came. You've seen them walk by, but they were in their own business and cared less about counting down. You wanted nothing more than counting down for the New Year.

"(Y/N)," someone spoke, "why are you alone? On this New Year's Eve."

It was Edward, he wondered why you weren't with someone, but alone and with a sad face. Edward cared for you, as a friend.

"Edward," you sighed. "I'm just waiting for midnight; the new year."

You were alone, sad, and no one else seemed to care. New Year was not a time to spend alone, but to celebrate and be happy - like Christmas. But lately, these times are usually the saddest for you.

"You know, I wouldn't mind spending the night with you," he suggested. You were surprised, but said nothing. Only smiled and nodded, he came closer to you and sat down in the chair next to you.

"Thank you," you said. "I really appreciate this. I hoped for everyone to be here."

"Well, maybe you just have to get them together somehow."

"I doubt they even care. They're all in their own worlds, minding their own business," you sighed again, folding your hands together.

As much as you wanted this, you knew it wouldn't happen. It seemed as if you were the only one excited for the new year. You hoped for it to be as good as this one, maybe you'd create a serious relationship with Floyd.

"You think this year would be good?" You asked, looking at the full moon and the snowflakes falling from the clouds.

"Only if you make it to be," he smiled.

He scooted closer, grabbing ahold of your hand. You looked uncomfortable, but did nothing. You were too surprised to do anything.

"(Y/N)," he said.

Before you could reply, he kissed you. He wrapped his arms around you but pulled away before you could. This left you speechless, surprised, and you wondered why he did such a thing - you knew he didn't like you, like that anyway.

He walked away, a smirk on his face.


You were still surprised with Edward, but hadn't talked to him since. Not to mention how upset you were with him, like he could just walk up and kiss you - then walk away? You'd never let it pass, but you decided to let it go. Your mind never left the thought of Floyd. You missed him, you wanted to spend your time with him but you'd never had enough courage to say anything about it.

"(Y/N)," a stern voice had spoke, "Can we talk?"

It was Floyd. He seemed a bit upset, but tried to remain calm. There was always one priority when he was with you - not to upset you. He cared for you as much as you did him, maybe even more. You were oblivious to this, not knowing how he felt or what he wanted to say.

"I'm just waiting for the New Year."

You didn't want to seem as if you've been waiting to talk to him, you tried not to get excited.


"Yes, it seems that way, doesn't it?" The venom in your voice was to only make him feel guilty for ignoring and leaving you. As much as you loved him, he had hurt you.

"(Y/N), why not spend it with me?" He spoke in a softer tone, his hand almost hovering over your arm as he trailed it up to your shoulder.

"Why all of a sudden, you want to spend time with me?" You had to ask. The sudden courage almost shocked yourself as it did Floyd.

"I've always wanted to spend time with you, (Y/N)," he looked in your (E/C) eyes and pulled a strand of your (H/C) coloured hair. This made you get closer to the man, standing up you still had to look up at him. He sent a smile, you blushed. One of his arms went behind your back and you were closer than ink on paper.

You got a sudden urge to kiss him just then, but before you could do it yourself, Floyd went ahead and did it. It was a soft, slow kiss. You instantly kissed back, wrapping your arms around his neck for a better hold.

"Happy new year!" Everyone ran in, yelling and cheering for the new year. They had all laughed at the sight of the both of you.

You were embarrassed, and hid your face by hiding being Floyd's tall form. He grabbed unto your hand and squeezed it - signaling everything was okay.

"Happy new year, (Y/N)."

Everyone seemed happy, excited - this was everything you wanted, especially the kiss with Floyd. And then, you realized this was going to truly be a Happy New Year.

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