Riddle Me This (Gotham!Edward Nygma x Reader)

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"(Y/N), we need your help with this...question," you heard Harvey say from behind you.

"What is it now?" You turned around in your chair and you were handed files.

"Well, there was this found at the crime scene. Near the killed victim," James had explained.

"Wow, James Gordon and Harvey Bullock actually need my help," you teased as Harvey gave a smirk. "Well, it's obvious that it's hinting at something. Maybe it's a riddle? Should we get Edward?"

"No," they both said bluntly.

"Oh, c'mon. You guys are always so mean to him. No one ever gives him credit for anything."

"Obviously, he's-- "

"(Y/N)! There you are, I thought you were in your office. Obviously not, since I've found you in here," Edward chuckled awkwardly, joining the trio in the evidence locker room of the GCPD.

"Hi Eddie, Harvey and James wanted me to help with something. I'm thinking it's a riddle. What do you think?" You handed him the same files you were handed.

It was quiet for while, and you heard the two police officers whispering to each other. You stared at them, only for them to stop whispering.

"Aha! Right here! You see? On every first letter on each line. It makes out... Amanda?" He stood, puzzled.

"Wait - the great Edward is confused?" Harvey made fun of him, and that made you kick him in the shins.

"I just don't get it. Amanda.. Wasn't she the victim? She got killed, didn't she?" He questioned the two cops, they nodded.

"Wait, maybe it's the end of each word on every line?" You suggested.

Edward checked and you had got it right. You knew you had when he smiled. "(Y/N)'s right. It says... Park...Row."

"Meaning?" James questioned.

"It's a hint. Are you guys dumb? Aren't you supposed to be detectives or something? Whoever the killer is, he or she is hinting that the next killing is in Park Row. Somewhere there," you stared at them with an 'are you stupid?' look.

"Oh. We better go, have fun love birds," Harvey teased, once again.

"Hey! We are not-- "

"Let's just go," James said, pushing Harvey out the door.

"We are not love birds," you stated, once they had left. "So, Edward. What did you come here for?"

"Another riddle."

"Go for it."

"What comes down but never goes up?"

You thought for a while, knowing if you answered too quickly, you'd get it wrong.

"Rain?" You said, not knowing if that was the answer or not.

"Correct! (Y/N), that's the forty-third riddle of mine you've solved!" He exclaimed.

"Hey, I've gotten some wrong too. So, I'm not that good," you chuckled.

"You're good enough. You should ask the commissioner if you could change your job to the same as mine," he requested.

You always liked Edward. But, you both barely see or talk to each other. You were fond of him, and that was it. Even if some GCPD officers teased you guys, you didn't have a thing with him. Just friends.

"I don't know... I'd love to work with you, but what if Loeb says no?" You squinted, tilting your head to the left a bit.

"Surely he'd say yes. We may not talk a lot but, we could. I'd like for us to work together," he kept moving his hands, and you knew he was nervous.

"I'll talk to him as soon as im done here, get back to your job," you smiled at him, making him smile in return.

"Alright, then, riddle me this. What can be shown, shared, and felt, but not seen?" He asked, pushing his glasses closer to the bridge of his nose.

"Hmm," You thought after awhile. "I don't think I can solve this one, Eddie."

"Oh," he sounded disappointed. You wondered why as he left the room without another word.

'I'm sorry I can't answer every riddle, Edward,' you thought, a frown on your face.

"(Y/N)?" Edward popped into the room again.

You jumped at his voice. "Edward! Hey-- what do you need?"

"The answer was love," he simply said.

There was a long stare between the both of you until he gave a quick smile and left.

You sat, staring at the doorway.

'Does Edward love me?'

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