Heal (Teenager!Damian Wayne x Teenager!Reader)

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Normal font is you. And italic is Damian.
I think Mr. Pierce's decision to make Damian and I roommates was the best idea ever. I mean, we kissed we cuddled. We did all things cute and I loved it. The trip is over now, and it's like any other day at school.

And that's a bad thing. Damian ignores me like he used to, and that is almost making me hate him. How dare he make me feels the things I felt while at that camp! How dare he be a good kisser! How dare he even exist!

But I like. And I can't help it. Every time I see him in class it's like I want to run up to him and hug him. But he doesn't even look at me during school. We don't talk out of school.

Boys are dumb. This is why I uses to hate every boy in my class. The only difference is that one less boy is on the list.

"Homework is one page fourty-three, exam next week. Be prepared, everyone!" Mr. Peirce says after the school Bell rings. I look over at Damian, but I see him talk to his friends as they walk out the door so I don't stare long.

When (Y/N) waits for everyone to leave, because I know she does that, I look at her one last time. I miss her, I do. But it's awkward for me. I've never liked a girl this much before. I've never even had a girlfriend before.

I know I seem like the a-hole who likes every girl that passes by, but I'm not. I want a committed relationship. I want a faithful relationship. I want a relationship. Everyone thinks of me as someone who can't hold down one. I am nothing like my father. I've never met my mother. I don't want my future children to be like that.

Instead of withering away from my thoughts, I walk with my friends. I'm not interested in their conversations as I used to be. The only thing they talk about is going to parties and playing videos games. My mind is elsewhere. Somewhere more important.

All I think about is (Y/N).

I want to cry.

I want to collapse on my bed and break down. I can't. My parents will hear and they have family over. What's wrong with me that Damian doesn't like me? Am I deranged? Does he think I'm some kind of. . .I don't even know. I don't want to know.

Boys are stupid. I hate boys. They're a waste of time.

But I like boys. Why do I have to like boys? Why are they so stupid? They can literally punch you in the face and ask what they did wrong.

Maybe it's me. I'm stupid. I'm stupid for falling for Damian when he obviously doesn't feel the same way.

So what if people see me with her? Why would I care? Would I even care? (Y/N) is one of the prettiest girls I've ever met and I like her.

I don't want to be the person she despises the most because I once asked her out as a dare. But I am. Trust me, I didn't want to. I was basically forced. And to be honest, I liked her then. I still like her now.

Alfred drives me home. I don't even say hi to my dad, I instantly go up to my room on the second floor. Sometimes, having only three people in a mansion gets lonely. I wish (Y/N) were here. I wish I could do the things I did with her at camp.

We kissed. We cuddled. It was nothing more than that. But it meant so much. I liked it so much. I want it so much.

Maybe if I hadn't have been the big baby I was back then, I wouldn't be so heartbroken as I am now. Being afraid of bats can change your life, ruin your life. I hate bats. Maybe it's all their fault.

Who am I kidding? Blaming a bat for the way I feel?

I finally break down. I think about the happy times I had versus the horrible times at school. To top it off, I haven't been hanging out with my friends as much. I don't talk about the things we like. I don't go out for lunch on the weekends. I don't talk to them anymore.

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