Lazer Tag (Nightwing/Dick Grayson x Reader)

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  As Alfred parked at the only lazer tag arcade in Gotham, you, Dick, Tim, and Jason had all jumped out of the car. You were excited. It was the first time you'd ever seen a lazer tag arcade, let alone be inside one. You've had the biggest smile on your face, and it stayed that way until your cheeks started to hurt.

  "This is my home away from home," Jason states, opening the arcade doors for himself and holding it for everyone else. Everyone says their thanks.

  "You don't have a home, Jason," Tim jokes. You pinch Tim on the arm, sending him a stern look. Even with him being seventeen years old, he acted like Bruce's age. Old. And he tried to be wise.


  Dick lets out a small chuckle, equipping his lazer armour and grabbing his gun. You do the same. You've always liked Dick. He was always super sweet and knew how to make you laugh. And you couldn't help to think he was hot.

  You've known him since he was a kid, back when him and his family were in the circus. You'd left after all the drama, his parents death, school bullies, and your parents divorce. It was too much to take in as a kid, you knew that. You lived with your mother until eighteen, lived in the current town but a different residence. Then a few years later you moved back to Gotham.

  You, now twenty-two like Dick, had grown closer to everyone more than before. Not to mention you'd met Bruce-fricking-Wayne and he even allowed you in as his own, like he did with everyone.

  "You guys are going down!" You smile, quickly putting on your armour on. Only, you hadn't put it on correctly, and Dick laughed.

  "(Y/N), even though you're one of the oldest, you're too small to come after us," Tim says. You furrowed your eyebrows at your friend while Dick had flipped your armour the right way, making it fit more comfortably and easy to move in.

  "Yeah, we'll see about that when you lose," you looked up at the trio, which didn't help you. Even with Tim still being a teenager, he was tall. This defeated the purpose of trying to act tough. The trio of boys stare down at you, then laugh when they run away.

  Apparently, the game hand begun. Luckily you were the only four in the game, so there was no distractions or some random person out to get you because they felt like it.

  You hear yells from Jason. You knew he went down. Jason wasn't the best at lazer tag,  even if he was all muscular and tough like he said he was. You chuckle at him cries that follow after Tim's evil  laugh. You suddenly feel cold metal on your back, you gasp at the sudden contact.

  "Now, (Y/N), I have you under my control," you automatically recognize Dick's voice. You almost laugh in doubt. This guy actually got you. It seemed that talking tough has proved futile. You bow your head down in defeat, dropping your lazer gun - which resulted in a much louder noise that you thought. You flinched. At this, Dick laughed, "you're too cute."

  You furrow your eyes at him, thinking that he's lucky that you had dropped your gun.  Dick steps closer to you, with his weapon still pointed at you.

  "Are you seriously scared of me?" You ask, truly surprised.

  Dick shrugs. You laugh. He still hasn't shot you, you didn't even bother to think why.

  "Don't make me shoot you, girlie," his tone is suddenly serious - in a joking manner.

  "As if you would," you countered. You had a small smirk on your face, trying to seem intimidating.

  Then, he suddenly pulls you closer. Your breath hitches, you almost freeze. You're so close that you could smell his shower gel. Your cheeks turn a bright red but it's barely noticeable in the darkness of the room. Dick's head leans closer to yours, as if he's going to kiss you.

He doesn't.

  Instead, he pulls the trigger of his lazer gun and his gun beeps a few times. He gets a mischievous smirk on his face. Then, he lets go of you steps away and starts to laugh.

  "I hate you. . .so much," you finally say.

  Dick is still during his laughing fit so, you doubted he heard what was said. It gets to the point where he has his hands on his knees and his shoulders are shaking as he laughs. You glare at him.

  "I needed more points."

  "Well, I don't think I'll be playing anymore so-"

  "(Y/N), c'mon, don't be like that," Dick grabs your arm as you try make your way to the penalty bench.

  "I'm dead anyway, Dick."

  On the inside and out.

  Then, before you could pull away from him, he pushes you closer to himself again. Like just a few moments ago. It wasn't hesitated. It wasn't rushed either. It was a full kiss and it instantly made you happy. You kissed back. This went on for a few more seconds until someone spoke.

  "Tim, come check this out! Dick and (Y/N) are-"

  "Don't start, Todd."
Guess who isn't dead. Me. Well, as much as I hoped I would be, I'm not.

Remember when I said I was going to update daily? Haha, sike! It's been a month maybe, since I've last updated.

But fear not, my good friends, I'll be back to updating maybe once a week or so.

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