First Move (Nightwing/Dick Grayson x Reader)

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"You know, I didn't think I'd like this movie," Dick said. You had been visiting him lately, because he was lonely and you knew he didn't have much friends in Blüdhaven.

After several months of knowing him, you've grown feelings for him. It was a stupid crush, you thought.

"You always say that."

"Yeah," he laughed, throwing popcorn into his mouth.

The movie was good, kind of. It was about zombies, Dick's favorite thing. The only way off getting infected was being bitten or having the blood get into your eyes, cuts, or anything.

"There's a second one, but I don't think it's as great," you noted. Dick gave a nod, staring at you.

"What is it about?"

"Almost the same as this. Only, I like this one. Have you seen the main character in this? Mhmm," you gave a smile at the TV, which you thought was stupid after doing so.

A thing you liked; pretty boys. And this movie had just that. Therefore, the movie was great.

"Really, (Y/N)?" He raised an eyebrow at you, and gave a questioning look.

"What?" You laughed. "I can't help it that I like cute boys!"

He bit his lip, smiled, then shook his head.

You blushed at the small smile, it was cute. No need to remind yourself that you liked cute boys, and the cute things some of them did.

"Does that mean you like me?" He blushed.

You froze but almost laughed. Dick was blushing, and it was cute. You were nervous, and you probably didn't look cute, you thought.

You swallowed hard, and felt your face heat up.

'I can easily say no,' you thought. 'No big deal.'

No big deal, you thought. But you couldn't say no. This was your chance, the first since you've known him. And probably the last.

"I mean, I am pretty cute," he smirked.

"Yeah," you whispered, hoping he didn't hear. But he did, and he moved closer to you on the couch you both sat on.

"You know, (Y/N), I've liked you for a while now," he lifted your chin, staring in your (E/C) eyes.

"Dick, I-- " you started.

"If you're going to reject me, at least let me kiss you first," he was beginning to lean in, eyes closed.

You blushed even more, and shut your eyes. If he was going to do this, you thought it'd be best if you were ready for it. When his lips touched yours, you couldn't help but smile. The feeling of your crush's lips on yours was great. Your stomach had a twist feelings and your emotions went wild. The kiss went on, and you decided to kiss back. To your dismay, he pulled back.

"I wasn't going to reject you," you whispered as if you lost your voice.

He gave a small chuckle, again. It was silent while you both stared at each other with silly smiles.

"Where do we stand, (Y/N)?" He asked, touching your (H/C) hair.

You blushed, again, and answered, "We could be together. If you want. I've liked you for awhile, now, Dick."

"Really?!" He almost seemed surprised that someone like you, a quiet, shy girl, could have a crush on him.

"Yeah," you mumbled.

'Finally,' you thought, 'Dick made the first move,'
What? How? Originally, you were gonna make the first move, but you're a shy cutie in this. *wink*

Hey if anyone knows what movie I referenced then, props to you.


Photo: 'Dapper Dick Grayson' by Kiniki-Chan on DeviantArt.



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