Snack (Jason Todd/Robin x Reader)

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  Everyone knew Jason. And everyone knew how many girlfriends he had, but but everyone continued to be fond of him. Even you, weirdly enough. He was popular, but didn't do anything to get popular. It was because he came from Bruce Wayne. No one even knew what or who Jason Todd was before Bruce took him in. Bruce moved him into the finest school in Gotham, the same he had attended as a child.

  It wasn't difficult for him to make friends, or girlfriends. Everyone favoured his good looks and charismatic remarks. He was a real smooth talker when he got into some trouble at school– which is why Bruce never heard about it.

  You, on the other hand, weren't as popular. You managed to create a few friends. You felt that's all you needed. You would rather be in a normal public school like any other minor in Gotham, but your parents insisted that you use your knowledge to get somewhere, anywhere but Gotham.

  It was lunch. Cafeteria was full. Attending a high cost school didn't mean they served the finest food. You make better sandwiches than they do. But, it didn't matter, because you didn't eat the food. Instead, you and your few friends ate and shared food with each other.

  With Jason, it wasn't so easy to have some peace. Students followed him almost everywhere, trying so hard to make him like them. But, he didn't care. He had, what seemed like, fake friends. They'd leave him in an instant, he knew that. And the girls, they just wanted someone good looking to hold on to.

  Jason wasn't really a relationships type of person. His girlfriends never lasted long, either. But he really did want someone to be committed to. He wasn't used to it, but he could be.

  "I'm going to the vending machine," Jason stands up from the cafeteria table. Before he even gets to leave, a blonde clings onto his arm. He rolls his eyes.

  "I'll go with you!" She says.

  "Heh, no thanks," he mumbles as he shakes the girl off his arm. She pouts, but sits back down anyway.

  Coincidentally, you decide to grab a bag of chips– from the same vending machine. You didn't hate Jason, you liked him a lot. But whenever you got near him it was like a chance at life or death. You were afraid of what he would, could, or actually say to you. But why? You've had the biggest crush on him and, for you, it wasn't as easy to talk to someone.

  You and Jason arrive at the vending machine, at the same time. He stops, looks at you, and smiles. You blush, and nod to him– telling him he can go first.

  Your mind trails off for a few minutes, distracting yourself. You even play a game on your game for a while. You notice it's been a while and Jason's still standing next to you. He's trying to shove his dollar bill into the vending machine. And he's doing it all wrong.

  "Uh, need help?" You suddenly have the courage to speak up and you also laugh at him.

  "Just this stupid– machine," he steps back and gives you his bill. In a few seconds you slide in the bill and he picks his snack.

  He grabs it, but before he walks away he thanks you.

  "Hey, um, thanks (Y/N)."

  "You know my name?" You kinda blush.

  "We've been in the same class since fourth grade. Bet you didn't expect to see me here," he scratches the back of his neck and you can tell he's nervous. For what reason?

  "Oh, yeah. I mean, no– Yes– Well– It's good to see you here."

  "Hopefully I can see you on the weekend?" He asks, you freeze. It was all so sudden. You didn't expect him to ask. But there was many things you didn't know about him.

  He's liked you since he moved to this school. He didn't recognize you at first, age did you well. Your (E/C) were the prettiest he's ever seen and the way your hair lay on your head was perfect to him. He liked you. A lot. The whole silent, shy type really seemed cute to him.


  "Can we hang out? Or is that weird? God, sorry, I'm–"

  "Sure. Give your phone?"

  He doesn't even ask why. He shakes his head and pulls out his smartphone. The kind of phone rich people had. Of course, Bruce bought​ it. You enter your own number with your name and the bee emoji as the contact.

  "Just text me."

  He smiles at you, and you smile back. You had gotten an oddly​ large amount of confidence, courage, and whatever else makes people talk so freely to strangers, it was nice while it lasted. Now, you forgot about your snack and you head back to your lunch table. You feel awkward, shy, and regret ever talking to him.

  "Did you just– Jason Todd?!" You hear as soon as you slump down on the bench.

  "Yeah. And I stupidly put my number in his phone."

  "If I were you, I'd be blessed. Blessed!" Your friends giggle, poke fun, and talk about Jason and you. Power couple, they said. Disaster in disguise, you said. You were happy that you finally talked to him after so long. And he also noticed you! Why weren't you happy? Trust issues. Commitment issues. All that jazz.

  But– Hopefully it'd be okay.

  "I am. I'm just. . .shocked?" You admit. Laughing when they make jokes. They talk about how you've always liked him and they continue to embarrass you. Then, you remember.

  "I forgot my snack."

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