Saving A Life (Gotham!Penguin/Oswald Cobblepot x Reader)

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"If I told you I was going to die would you care?"


"If you knew I was going to die would you save me?"

The long pause is what scared you. The way he looked, thinking long and hard, made you think what he was going to answer. You knew he wasn't the one for attachments, but you couldn't help but ask.


Those two questions made you think. They made you think about how easily your life could be taken from you. It was easy, to take a life but hard to deal with the guilt. No, you hadn't killed anyone. But you felt like you had. You felt like you killed yourself, feeling no more emotions.

Feeling dead. Sitting in your own depression and sorrow. There was ways to forget it, but you sank in your own despair as you thought of death.

There was many reasons for this depression. Just heavy ones. One, you hadn't been with your parents because they had been killed. Two, you were alone and felt like no one cared about you. And lastly, you didn't like yourself. You felt like no one wanted to be your friends, and if they were it was out of pity. It seemed like a party for them but
a pity party for you. You put yourself down constantly, never gaining confidence. Unlike before, you were never able to see the good in yourself. You had always been a happy person, confident and enthusiastic about everything.

'It'd be easy.'

You thought about it again; killing yourself. You could easily grab a handful of pills, or a roll of rope, or a knife. Nobody would know. But then you thought about Oswald. He'd miss you for sure. You were one of his few friends. Growing up together made you closer than wet on water.

You lay on your home's rooftop, looking up at the night's light. The way the stars brightened in every shade of darkness made you almost smile. Going up here made you feel peaceful, almost forgetting all the bad in the world.

'I could easily jump off this rooftop,' the small voice of temptation always spoke to you. It always made you think about it, about doing it.

"(Y/N)?" You heard Oswald. You didn't bother to look at him. You knew he would approach you, sit next to you.

"Hey, Oswald," your eyes stayed on the stars but your attention was to him.

"Why are you up here, (Y/N)?" He asked. Oswald always cared for you, like you were his sister. Maybe even more than a sister.

There was a long silence between you two. Oswald stared at you, watched as your eyes filled with tears. Then, before you knew it, you broke down. You curled into a ball, your as hugging your legs as you cried. It had been awhile since you finally let out your emotions. The last month, it had been building up and filling you with nothing but sorrow and sadness. It was now leaving you. Your cried turned into heavy sobs and you were sure the whole city could hear you. Your body shook and your eyes hurt. Oswald stared with sorry in his eyes.

"(Y/N)-- " he started, but he knew he couldn't finish. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to do. He'd never been the one to console a crying girl. He tried to, but failed. The small pats on the back could never make you feel happy again.

"I don't know who I am, anymore," you finally spoke, wiping your face from all the wetness of your tears.

"You're (Y/F/N). My best friend. A beautiful face. A happy soul," Oswald smiled.. It had been awhile since you seen him smile, a real genuine smile. He only smiled like that with you.

"Not anymore, I'm not. I've not been happy for a long time, Oswald," the small sniffles still came from you, it made Oswald feel useless. He knew he wasn't helping but he still tried. He also knew that you were the only friend he had, the only one who could truly make him smile. And he did the same for you. He didn't want you to leave.

You finally calmed down, but still lay on your roof. The stars still shown in the darkness. You tried to forget what had just happened.

"When you asked me if I would save you if I knew you were going to die, I was shocked. I already knew the answer but the question made me hesitate. Why would you ask me such a heartless question?" Oswald face showed confusion and his eyebrows furrowed.

"It wasn't heartless. I needed to know. Why did you say yes?" You countered.

"Why wouldn't I say yes? You're my best friend, my longest friend. The only person I can truly trust. The only person who I am happy to call a friend. I don't know what I'd do without you, (Y/N)," Oswald's voice held a tone that made you re-think why you even thought about your own death.

"Do you love me?" You asked suddenly, your head turning towards him. Your (E/C) eyes locked with his blue ones, his mouth was agape. He was obviously shocked. He hesitated and it made you want to cry again. It made you regret even asking. It made you want to go back in time and change everything.

"I do."

His smile gave you a warm, happy feeling. The kind of feeling you remember having with your parents. You wanted to hug him but you thought that maybe he loved you as a sibling, a friend. Platonically. You knew how you felt. You did like Oswald, more than a friend. You didn't think he liked you back, another reason for your depression.

"Oswald, I get it. But I don't want it. The pity doesn't make me feel any better," you tried to push him away, thinking it'd be best.

"It's not that, not pity. I didn't lie, (Y/N). I would never," he paused to grab your hand. "I thought it was obvious. Either that or you're just oblivious to it. I've liked you (Y/N). For the longest time, and I've always wanted to see you smile like you had with your family."

Oswald gave a smile when he saw your cheeks turn pink. It had been a long time since you blushed like right now. It felt nice, you thought. For once, you could say that you wanted to change. Change to be happy and change to get back to normal. Oswald hold on your hand had tightened, a small, short squeeze was given to you and your breath hitched.

"Oswald, I-- "

"If you don't feel the same, then that's fine. I'm okay with that, as long as we remain friends," he interrupted you, fearing that you'd reject him. Only, you weren't going to. You were going to say you felt the same way, that you loved him.

"I wouldn't. I'd never. I love you, Oswald Cobblepot," you smiled. It made Oswald happy to finally see your smile. The one he missed so desperately and the one he loves so much. He loved the way your smile brightened your whole expression. Most of all, he loved you.

"I want you to be happy again, (Y/N). I want to save you from whatever had corrupted you. I'd hate to see you continue what you've been feeling," he pulled you closer to him, his body warming yours.

He admitted his feelings for you, and you had done the same. And after that, you felt happier than ever and you were glad to say he was a friend. But, he want just a friend anymore. He was your boyfriend, your partner, your lover. He made you happy like nothing ever mattered in the past and you recovered from your depression. You hadn't thought once about it, not thinking about how many ways to end it, you had forgotten it.

If it hadn't been for Oswald, you would've done it. Then, you wouldn't be alive today, you wouldn't be as happy as you were, you wouldn't see him again. You wouldn't have told him you loved him. Oswald Cobblepot had changed all that. Oswald Cobblepot had made you happy again. Oswald Cobblepot had made you forget about your depression. Oswald Cobblepot had made you yourself again.

Oswald Cobblepot saved your life.

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