Meeting Nightwing (Nightwing/Dick Greyson x Reader)

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"I'm going to be late, again. So just pack my dinner, okay, (Y/N)?" Dick called out.

"Okay," you say sadly. Dick hadn't noticed and left.

Dick has been working a lot lately and you've been going to bed alone. You missed him.

You clicked through channels on your TV and found nothing interesting. You were bored. Dick was on your mind and you began to think.

'Is he cheating in me? Does he not love me anymore? Why is he always coming home late?' You asked yourself.

Before you knew it, you had started crying. You loved him with all your heart and he was drifting away from you. His shift was over at seven-thirty, but he'd come home around one or two in the morning. He'd come to bed, and you'd always pretend to sleep as he wrapped a arm around you and fell asleep. But now, you felt as if you had to do something about this. This couldn't keep happening if he was cheating on you. And, even if he wasn't, you wanted to know what kept him from coming home when his shift ended.

So, you decided to meet him at the end of his shift, but you haven't told him. And when the time came, you dressed in your darkest clothes and headed near his workplace. Checking your watch, it was seven-fourty and Dick hadn't came out yet.

'Where is he?' You thought to yourself. But, as if you spoke too soon, Dick had walked out the building he worked in. What you thought was odd was that he turned into an alley.

'Where in the world is he going?' You asked yourself, following Dick. As soon as you turned the corner, you had lost Dick. Finding a ladder, you had made your way to it. Unfortunately, for you, it was above a few large garbage disposals. So, it meant you had to climb. Luckily, you were in good clothing for it.

When you got to the top of the apartment that the ladder was on, you were grabbed. Whoever it was, pressed you against a wall, "Who are you? Why are you following me?!" A male voice asked-- no, yelled in your face.

You whimpered slightly. "Sorry, I didn't know. I was just-- "

"(Y/N)?" The voice softened. You could tell it was Dick, now.

"Dick? What the - ? You're Nightwing?!" You pushed him away from you.

"Yes. I didn't want you to find out like this," he stared at the wet roof.

"Oh my god. I can't... You're... I thought you were cheating on me!" You exclaimed.

"What?" He jerked his head back in shock.

"All this time, you were wondering the rooftops of Gotham. Aren't you supposed to be in Blüdhaven?" You questioned.

"Again, yes. But, Batman really needs my help--"

"Doesn't he have Robin?" You knew about the Dynamic Duo.

"He's had a lot of Robins. I was the first, but he has him working on something else," he grabbed a hold of your hand.

You felt completely calmed by his touch, even if it was covered is some type of material.

"And, why would you think I was cheating on you? (Y/N), I love you," he smiled.

"I don't know. I was just paranoid."

Dick sighed. 'Had she really thought that low of me? To cheat on her? I would never.'

"Sorry, Dick, I'm so sorry. I didn't.. I-- "

Dick interrupted you with a kiss, instantly calming you. You stood, shocked and surprised, for awhile, until you kissed him back.

It was a soft kiss, or maybe it was Dick's lips that were soft. All you knew was that this felt completely right, and you wished he had kissed you liked this before.

His tongue licked your lip in a quick motion, making you pull back, remembering you were both on a rooftop.

"(Y/N)-- "

"We should go home. Surely there wasn't crime every night, right? And, then we can have some actual time together. Not on a rooftop, not at a store, not even at a park, at home," you smiled, tugging on his hand.

"Hmm, I'd like that. I've missed you so much," he wrapped an arm around your waist.

"I've missed you more. Dick, I've prayed for you to come home when nights were storming. I almost gave up hope. I had hope that you'd come back, be normal again," you linked your fingers together.

"(Y/N), you don't know how many times I've asked Batman to let me take a night off. Gotham's tough, I'll tell you that. But, I assure you, I'll be back to normal in no time."

"Do you promise?" You asked, pouting a little.

He gave a slight nod and squeezed your hand.

"Let's head home, huh?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'd like that," you smiled.

And, so, you both headed home without another word. And then you knew, Dick had really loved you. He loved you so much that he took a night off from being a vigilante.

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