Stone Cold (Batman/Bruce Wayne x Reader)

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(Y/N). I've found someone. Someone different. Someone who likes the inside and outside of me. Someone who can admit they love me and not run away the next day to tell her girl friends. Someone who doesn't love my money, but me instead.

You don't know her, but I'd like you to. I really feel something that could turn into something serious. I'm happy. And I know you'll be happy for me also. So I want you to come over this weekend, I'll get Alfred to pick you up. Just the three of us. You'll get to know her and I know you'll get along with her. You're always the one to make people smile, that's why you're one of my best friends.

I'll see you this weekend,

Reading that letter was probably the biggest mistake (Y/N)'s ever made in her life. Bruce was her friend-- best friend, in fact. And to be honest, she's always had a soft spot for the man. She liked him. But now it seemed too late to admit it. Even if (Y/N) was happy for him, she was not for herself.

As it was the middle of the week, the weekend was soon to come and (Y/N) had to face the woman who had taken the man she wanted. But she knew that this woman was already better than her. (Y/N) didn't even have to meet her to find out. Unlike Bruce's usual girls, she was probably someone who was in a family business - rich like Bruce. She probably had a perfect body and was beautiful. (Y/N) already knew Bruce saw her as perfection.

If (Y/N) were to enter a competition, she'd lose before it'd even start. At least, that's what (Y/N) thought would happen. She knew it was selfish to think she already had Bruce. But (Y/N) loved him. Being his friend since before she could remember, they both were attached to the hip, basically.

So the weekend came, faster than the speed of light. She was panicking, nervous. Meeting the woman who Bruce liked was not going to be good for her.

"Miss (Y/N), I've come to pick you up for Master Wayne," Alfred's voice rang from the other side of (Y/N)'s front door.

As she arrived to Wayne Manor, (Y/N) began to get more anxious and depressed. Truthfully, she didn't even want to meet this woman. As stone cold as it seemed, it probably wouldn't do her any good.

The door opened before they even walked up the steps.

That's when (Y/N) saw her.

Tall, beautiful, and thin. Dark hair, bright eyes and a perfect body that (Y/N) could only dream of. A arm linked with Bruce's and a smile on her face. She wore a black dress and black heels.

'Nice to see that they already match,' (Y/N) thought sarcastically.

She wanted to cry. She wanted to go back home where she didn't have to meet this fate where Bruce didn't end up with her but another woman. But maybe if (Y/N) didn't cry, she wouldn't feel the pain inside.

She sighed, put on a false smile and walked up those steps like she was happy to see. . .whatever the girls name was.

"(Y/N)! I'm so happy to finally meet you! Bruce had told me so much about you!" She greeted (Y/N), holding out a hand for her to shake.

'Has he told you that I already hate you?'

"Nice to meet you. . .?" (Y/N) paused for her name.

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