V Day (Batman/Bruce Wayne x Reader)

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Bruce wiped his hands on the knees of his pants. He was nervous. Why? Valentines Day was coming up and you were what he wanted. But, he didn't know how to ask. Usually, he was the sly, charismatic man living inside Wayne Manor but, since he has met you, he wanted to be the best man he could. He wanted to be perfect for you, he wanted to do things that would make you smile, he wanted to make you wake up, thinking about him.

The thing is, you already were.

You were head over heels for this man. You already saw him as perfect. If only you hadn't been shy, he had already known that you liked him. He wanted to be the best for you, as a partner and a person. Little did he know that you were grateful for him just being a friend.

Bruce was approaching your house, driving at a calm speed. He would have taken a chauffeur, but he wanted this to be more than what his money can buy. He wanted it to be just you and him, together.

In your driveway, he sat in his car. His suit began to feel tight. He started sweating. He even started regretting coming. He was afraid you'd reject him. He knew he wasn't perfect. He had had too many relationships to even be called a committed man.

But he wanted to start over. For you.

Maybe even start a life together.

He pulled on his collar, thinking he had gotten it a size too small. Moving the rearview mirror to himself, he could see the beads of sweat rolling down his forehead. He gave a reassuring smile to himself, as if that'd make him feel better and more confident. It didn't. He quickly grabbed the bunch of daisies he had got, then stepped out of his car.

His car door slamming was what notified you someone was at your house. You peeked out the window.


He hadn't noticed you peeping through the curtains of your windows, continued walking to your front door.

You let him knock a few times. You didn't want to keep him waiting, you were just thinking. Why he was here, why he had daisies in his hand, why he had such a nervous look on his face. You were not able to answer all these questions. So before over thinking it, you opened your door.

"(Y/N)," Bruce spoke. You almost laughed at how his voice cracked. His whole image was almost laughable, cute even.

"Are you okay? Would you like to come in?" You asked out of kindness after he swallowed hard.

He shook his head quickly. "N-No. I don't think I'll be staying long."

Before you had even asked why, he went down on one knee holding out the daisies to you. You took them and gave an awkward smile. 'What the heck is he doing?!' You almost screamed.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N), we've known each other for a long time and I've grown to like you."

'Oh no.'

"And I just have this one question. But first, let me say that I know I look like a mess. Hell, I probably look like a monster," he shook his head. "All I'm saying is that I really, really, really, really like you and I tried to make this as perfect as I could."

This small pause gave you time to have a deep breath, and him time to say what he's always wanted to.

"(Y/N), I think you're as beautiful as those daisies and I love daisies. Will you be my Valentine?" He finally asked. He had felt like a huge weight had been pulled off him, but you still hadn't answered.

You blinked, taking in what had just been said. At one point, you thought this was about marriage. You bursted out laughing.

"W-What?" Bruce stood up. He felt embarrassed, ashamed, and wanted to bury himself six feet under.

"This is the cutest thing you've ever done. Bruce, just you being here makes it perfect!" You hugged him.

'None of this answers my question,' Bruce thought.

The hug lasted awhile before you had realized you hadn't answered and Bruce hadn't even hugged you back.

"Oh, and my answer is yes," you hugged him again and this time, he hugged back. You gave him a kiss on the cheek and he smiled.

He had finally felt happy. He was revealed, you hadn't rejected him. He could possibly be the happiest man on earth.

"I thought you were proposing. For marriage!" You laughed.

"What? You don't want to marry me?" He felt sad, again.

"No! I mean, yes! It's just, yeesh, we're not even a couple."

To this, he laughed. His shoulders shook with such happiness and for once, he had felt comfortable around you.

"So, how did you like my proposal?" He had asked, biting his lower lip. When he did that, it always made you want to kiss the lip he was biting on.

"It was pretty cheesy."

"You still said yes!"
*cough* BRUCE WAYNE AS A SHY LIL NERD IS PRETTY CUTE *coUGH* Oh man, this cold is killing me.

No, but seriously. He's so cute in this I just want to pinch his cheeks and hug him.

I'm actually a mom, yeah.



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