Blue Jeans, Leather Jacket (Red Hood/Jason Todd x Reader)

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  Jason Todd was always a good friend of mine. Now, I just don't want him to be friends with me. I've fallen head over heals for the boy but I can't admit it. He's away, gone. He's coming back today. I'm supposed to meet him at the airport today. Alfred's going to drive me there. Bruce is staying at Wayne Manor and I don't know if it's because he didn't want to see Jason just yet, or if he's just too lazy to get up.

  "Miss (Y/N), we have arrived," Alfred says to me and I almost jump with excitement. Seeing my best friend after two years is going to be great, maybe I'll even cry. Who knows?

  Jason's been my friend since middle school. I was the geek who was in love with sci-fi movies and he was the boy who had the girls falling over him. Jason never liked any of them. In high school, he was into girls who were older than him. It was weird. He was weird. I was still a geek, but I had friends to hang out with when he wasn't around.

  To be honest, I don't know why he became friends with me. But I'm glad he took the time to get to know me. I'm glad he even wanted to be friends with me. I'm glad our friendship has made it this far.

  When Jason left, he said he was going to be back sooner than later. I can't believe how long it's been, but when I remember the past two years it's like the speed of light. I didn't like him then. I didn't even think I was going to miss him that much. But I do like him and I do miss him, now.

  Getting out of Bruce's black vehicle, I straighten my sun dress. It's a pastel blue and I found it pretty and formal enough for this meeting. I feel hesitant but then I think why am I hesitating? Jason's my best friend and I've been waiting for this day ever since he left. I should be happy. I am happy.

  Alfred doesn't follow when I walk inside the airport, to the lobby where Jason said he'd meet me. We've been talking on the phone every two weeks since four months ago. And last week Jason told me where to meet him so this is where I am; our meeting point. The X on the map. I sit on a chair and keep my eyes on the sliding doors. I smile at the thought of him walking through those doors, his luggage behind him, and me running to hug him.

  I think about what I've done while he's been gone. I got a job. I finally finished collage and I live in a brand-new apartment. I've been doing well for myself. I only wonder of what Jason has been doing. Maybe he met a girl. A girl he's going to marry her. Maybe he's going to officially move to Star City (which is where he's been the last two years) and start a family. But then, again, who'd want to marry Jason Todd? Insulting, I know, but if I asked him the same exact question he'd probably laugh then give me a soft shove.

  "(Y/N)?" I hear a voice. It's deep, and all too familiar. I see two dark brown sneakers in front of me, on the floor, obviously. Blue jeans, leather jacket, and a white t-shirt. And I only know one person who wears that type of outfit.

  "Jason!" I jump up from where I sat and hug him tightly. It surprises him for a moment, but he laughs and hugs me back. He's gotten taller, and his hair has been freshly cut. I smile that he's finally here and we can hang out again.

  "It's nice to see you again, (Y/N)," Jason says when he pulls away from my hug. I smile.

  "Just nice? Jason, we haven't seen each other for two years," I joke and he shakes his head.

  "You know what I mean."

  I'm still smiling, because I can seem to stop myself from doing so. I'm happy, finally able to see my best friend again.

  "I do. I've missed you Jason. What're your plans for your first day back in Gotham?"

  He doesn't respond for awhile and that makes me feel like he doesn't want to hang out with me. "To do this," he says.

  Before I can even go wait what? he pulls me close as if we were hugging but instead of doing that, he gives me a kiss on the lips. His lips move against mine and I am too shocked to do anything. After awhile, I finally kiss back and put my hands in his hair for a better grip.

  My breathing gets heaving and I don't know why. Jason's lips still kiss mine and I have a weird feeling inside my stomach. Like something is tickling me from the inside and I can't help but want to punch myself in the face to make myself feel this way. First thing, I hated being tickled and second, feelings are weird and should be illegal.

  When Jason pulls back my breathing goes back to normal but my hands start to shake. It's like I'm an addict to something that's not good for me, like junk food. But, I'm sure kissing is good and won't make you gain weight or go to the hospital if you have to much of it. Kissing is good. Yes. Positive. We should do this more often.

  "Does this mean you like me back?" If you're supposed that Jason was the one who asked this, don't. Because I already am. He's liked me and I didn't even know?

  "I do," I giggle, which I didn't know I could, and give him another hug. He hugs me back and I feel happy again. The void inside me has been filled and I can live life normally again, with my best friend by my side.

  "So, will you be my girlfriend?"

  "I will," I kiss him this time. Okay, so scratch that. I can live life with my boyfriend by my side.

  Jason takes his luggage and walks out of the airport with me. Alfred greets Jason with a handshake and a nod. I know if he had came, Jason wouldn't have kissed me.

  I'm so glad Alfred didn't come with me.

Jason's a cutie in this, and so are you. I didn't write much dialogue because I suck at that. When Alfred says, "we have arrived," I was going to put "we have air-rived," because I'm honestly so funny you can't handle it. 👌👌👌👌👌👌 That emoji has become my obsession and I seriously need to stop.

It's official. I'm creating a Batman/Bruce Wayne (BvS) oneshot for the lols and to test it out. I really want to watch it again, because Justice League (The Flash seems p chill tbh, and his suit looks rlly cool/rugged at the same time he looks like a ghetto superhero I'm gonna laugh @ him) !¡! (👌). And I also watched The Force Wakens (which was kinda cool I guess, Kylo Ren was p savage) but the previous Star Wars were better, honestly.

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