Recovery (Deathstroke/Slade Wilson x Reader)

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"I can't to this anymore, Slade," you said, remaining calm.

"Can't do what?!" His temper seemed to be more quick, ever since he picked up on his drinking. You never liked it, it only caused problems and you were afraid something would happen if you tried to fight with him.

"This. Dealing with you, and your drinking. What happened, Slade?" You asked, your voice cracking. You become more emotional every time he yelled at you. It wasn't like you liked it, you hated crying in front of the man you loved.

"If you don't like it, then kick me out," he talked back. His speech slurred and you knew he didn't mean what he said. This was the drinking talking, not Slade.

"Would you want to be known as the world's greatest assassin, or the world's biggest alcoholic?" Your voice cracked again, and a few tears were shed.

"World's greatest assassin," he whispered.

You knew it was his passion, being an assassin. It wasn't the most loveliest, but it was better than him drinking every night.

"Then that's what you should be doing, Slade. Not this, not drinking all the time," you tried to reassure him, but Slade didn't want to listen nor did he try to.

"Do you know how hard it is to stop an addiction?" He slumped onto the chair that sat in your living room.

"I know. But it takes a lot of effort, I'll help you with it," you grabbed the bottle in his hands. You sat on his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. His breathing became slower, as he calmed down. An arm was wrapped around your waist as he pushed you closer to himself.

You've longed for his hugs, touches and kisses as he never did any of those when he drank. Whenever he drank, he had friends over and they'd usually be loud which made you get no sleep. From now on, you wanted him to end that and you'd help him.

"Slade?" You whispered.

He hummed in response, in a questioning tone.

"I love you."

"I love you too, (Y/N)," Slade said, kissing your cheek, making you smile.

Slade had the tendency to do that, making you smile. Not like you hated it, you loved smiling and especially if the reason was from Slade. Throughout the whole two years that you were in a relationship with Slade, you had never hated him. You couldn't bare to say the words to him, neither could he.

You've helped him through rough times, not to mentions the numerous times you've patched him up when he would come home bleeding like a waterfall. You were his rock and you were going to help in through this, even if it took years.

You loved Slade, and you wouldn't give on him for anything else. You were going to help him with his addiction, and help him recover.

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