Saviour - REQUEST - (Batman/Bruce Wayne x That_Biersack_Girl)

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I was walking home from a hard day at work. All I wanted to do right now was sleep. So, I tried to hurry home. But I was soon stopped by a mad man.

He pushed me down, but luckily for me, the concrete wasn't wet. Gotham had one of its rare non-rainy days. But that didn't stop the man from pointing a gun at me while digging through my hand bag. I had no money in there, because I didn't need money today. All I did was work today, and I get free lunch. No need for money.

A wanted criminal, here in Gotham. Here, right next to me.

"Give me your money!" He shouted, a gun in hand.

At this moment I was already shaking, filled with fear. I didn't want to die over money.

"I don't have money on me!" I managed to shout.

From all my shakiness and fear, I started to cry. I hated it. To cry in front of a criminal was worse than being killed by one, but I guess they seen this before; people crying from guns to their heads or being mugged. I simply refused to cry, but I couldn't stop it. It came out as fast breaths mixed with sobbing. It sounded like I had hiccups.

"Then give me all your jewelry!" He shoved the gun ahead, trying to scare me. It did, I gasped and jumped.

I tried to take off the many earrings that I had on my ears. Only ending up on fiddling with them, he became frustrated. It wasn't my fault that I had so many piercings. Yeah, okay, maybe it was. But it wasn't my fault that he wanted money, or my jewelry. It wasn't my fault I was being held at gunpoint. I did nothing to deserve this.

At this point, he had me pushed up against a wall, gun still pointed at me.

"W-What are you doing?" I almost screamed.

"Shut up!" He hit me with the gun.

So, after that, I decide to scream. I knew it probably wouldn't help. But then again, I had hope for the people in this city. Maybe someone would save me, maybe the police with make their way down here and arrest this man.

But no one had came after my screams of help. No one even looked my way. My screams just granted me more hits to the head and body.

"You're gonna regret doing that," he said, pointing the gun at my head.

I knew it was coming - the gunshot that would kill me. But it didn't, after that I heard the sound of fabric wiping and grunts. With my eyes closed and me sobbing to myself, I hadn't seen any of it. I wish I had. Maybe someone did come to help me.

Opening my eyes, I saw someone who I thought I'd never see. Batman, The Dark Knight, The Caped Crusader. He went by many names, but only one right now; Savoir.

"Batman," I sighed, my tears drying in their spots.

"What was that man doing to you?" He asked in a low voice.

"H-He wanted my money but I didn't have any on me. So, he wanted my earrings. I was too scared to grab them without shaking, so he tried to kill me," I had to look up to him, as I was short. Only standing at five foot one, I knew Batman stood over six feet.

"Your name?" He asked, looking into my piercing blue eyes that were noticed by almost everyone. Batman had dark blue eyes, but they stood out bright from the moonlight.

"Molly. My name's Molly."

He had almost smiled at the name, it made me blush. He stared at me with his dark blue eyes and they had almost glittered in the moonlight. I could feel his eyes on mine, the pricing blue ones as everyone said. Batman was definitely taller, he was maybe over six feet. And I stood at a small five foot one.

My pale skin had made me seem as if I was a ghost, and my hair was black and red. Batman had noticed all of these small details, only making me blush more.

"Batman, thank you. If you hadn't saved me, I would've been dead right now, not talking to you," I thanked him.

"No, thank you. If you hadn't screamed, I wouldn't have had this mad man in custody. You did a good deed today, Molly. Even if it had risked your life," he spoke in a softer voice than before.

Then I realized, Batman risks his life each night of the year to protect the citizens of Gotham. Even though he didn't kill, it showed that he was better than the scum that tried, and failed, to take over Gotham with power. Batman wouldn't stoop so low to be one of them and kill. Most people criticized him for that, and complained how criminals had kept breaking out of the facilities they were held in.

And so, he was the hero Gotham needed, but no one wanted. He was a saviour, and I was grateful.

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