Totally Worth It (Red Hood/Jason Todd x Reader)

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"(Y/N), c'mon. You gotta eat," Jason said, handing you a bowl of soup.

"Ung, Jason. Food is so gross, I don't wanna eat," you held the warm bowl in your hands.

He sighed heavily. "Eat. It'll make you feel better. Just because you're sick, it doesn't mean you can't eat."

"Yes it does," you replied sarcastically and covered yourself up with the thin covers, passing the bowl back to Jason.

"I'm trying to help you!" He dropped the bowl on an end table near the couch you were laying on. The soup had spilled a little and it got on your face.

You knew about Jason's quick temper. He'd get mad at the simplest things, when he didn't get something right, or when you wouldn't listen to him. But, that never stopped you from being friends with him. When you watched him walk away angrily, you grabbed the soup and ate it. Although, you couldn't taste it or smell it, it was good that you ate. When you get sick, it's the worst kind of sick. And it'd stay that way for almost a month sometimes.

You knew what Jason had been through. His mother's death, surviving on his own, living on the streets of Gotham. And, you knew he was Robin for a while, trained by Batman then became Red Rood. Although he was a more violent version of a vigilante, you still liked him. You took pity on him when you knew what he had been through.

So, you decided to be friends with him through everything.

And you've begun to have feelings for him. But, you couldn't do anything about it now, you were sick to the bone.

"(Y/N), are you eating?" You heard him call from down the hall of the apartment you both shared.

"Um, yeah," you called out, but it came out quiet.

"What was that?" He walked towards you.

"I said yeah," you sipped on the soup that was on your spoon.

"Can I have a taste?" He suddenly asked.

You jerked your head back in shock, "What? No, are you crazy? Do you want to get sick?"

"C'mon, don't be cheap. I made it."

"Then go make more," you said sarcastically, as you took a big spoonful of soup.

"Give it," he snatched the bowl from your hands. And, he somehow managed to not spill any of it.

"Hey! You'll get sick!" You watched as he took a drink from the bowl like it was a cup.

"You're such a savage, Jason."

"Yeah, but it's totally worth it," he set the bowl down and stared at you.

"Worth what - ?!"

He interrupted you with a kiss, that you couldn't help but be shocked by. You hadn't known how Jason felt about you. That's why you never told him about your feelings.

Soon, you pushed him away, "What the heck? Are you crazy?!"

"Crazy about you. (Y/N), I like you. A lot."

"So, you decided to get yourself sick just to kiss me? Why didn't you just tell me? I like you too, Jason. I have for a while. But, now you're gonna get sick," you coughed and a wheeze had followed after.

"I told you, it was totally worth it," he sat next to you, slightly pushing you closer to him.

You leaned against him. "I hope you don't get as sick as I am."

"Don't worry," he lifted you up, so you sat on his legs, "I have an awesome immune system."

"What are you doing?" You stared at his with and awkward look as he put his hands on your hips.

"This," he had kissed you again. And, this time, it was a lot rougher than expected. But, you still had kissed back as he licked your lower lip.

Your stomach had begun to have butterflies and you blushed as your kissing session became heavier.

After a while, you pushed back, thinking you were going a little too far. Jason's hands had made their way under your top and your arms were wrapped around his neck.

"Why?" He pouted.

"I think we're going too far. Did we even make this official?"

"We can, if you want."

You nodded, "I've been waiting for this for a long time, Jason."

"Well, I'm sorry for the wait," you rested your forehead against his.

"So, when's our first date?" You stared at him.

He locked eyes with you and you got lost in his. His bright blue eyes were the most gorgeous eyes you've ever seen on anyone. And that's what you liked most about him. And, then, you guys planned your first date and made it official between you two.

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