First. . . So Far (Batman/Bruce Wayne x Reader)

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That's what you were. And you didn't know what to tell Bruce.

"Would he be okay with it? Or will he split things with me?" You thought, holding the pregnancy test in your hand, while using the other to hold your stomach.

Throughout the years of knowing Bruce, you had fallen in love with him. And you wouldn't choose another man over him. But, lately you wanted more out of him. You were his girlfriend for four years but, you wanted things to get to the next level.

And that level was marriage.

You know how many women Bruce had one-night-stands with in the past. But, you knew he loved you.

He even told you he was The Batman. You were shocked, but mostly grateful. You were grateful that he wasn't going out all night to meet other women.

'Surely he'd be okay with it. I love him, and he loves me. No matter what, he'll be okay with it,' you thought hopefully.

There soon was a knock at your bathroom door and you realized how long you've been in the washroom for; nearly half an hour.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay in there? You've been in there a long time, is something wrong? Did I do something to upset you?" Bruce asked you all these questions and you threw the pregnancy test in the trash bin.

"No, no. I'm okay, I'll be out. Just. . .hold on," you stood up from the toilet, with the top down of course, and opened the door to see a frowning Bruce.

"(Y/N)! What took you so long? I was worried. I planned a dinner tonight, a fancy place. Your favorite," he grinned.

"Bruce, come. I have to tell you something. It's important," you grabbed his hand and led him to your shared bed, sitting down with him you spilled out what you found out today.

"I'm pregnant. I took a test, it was positive."

Bruce sat silently for a while and you got worried. But then, he started chuckling.

"I'm going to be a dad!" He yelled, surprisingly happy. He then lifted you up and spun you. You gave out a giggle of surprise, but it got interrupted when Bruce kissed you.

"The next nine months are going to be hard. Promise me you won't leave me, and that you'll cope with me," you asked, looking up to him when he put you down.

"I'll do anything for you. I love you, and then I'll love this child. What'll we name it?" He asked, holding your hand.

You gave out a laugh, "Bruce, we don't even know if it's a boy or girl, we'll have to wait."

"How 'bout Bruce Wayne Jr? Or (Y/N) Wayne?"

"(Y/N) Wayne?" You said, curious.

"I just thought. . .after this baby, we could get married. We don't even have to wait until the baby's born," he bit his lower lip.

"I'd like that," you kissed him and you heard his sigh of relief.


(Your P.o.V)

Today was the day. The birth of my first child. I couldn't explain how happy I was.

Bruce had been the perfect man throughout the last nine months that we had spent together. Bruce was good to me. Took me out when I was craving something. Respected me, even when I was going through mood swings. You could say, that he was more excited for this baby than I was. Alfred, Bruce's butler (more like friend), had helped a lot too. He cooked the finest plates of food that I could ever ask for, which I gobbled down in seconds. Eating for two, which meant eating an extra plate of food.

Right now, as Alfred drove us to the hospital, I was in the worst pain that I've ever been through. My stomach had hurt more than ever, as I was going through contractions.

"(Y/N), just breathe," Bruce tried to comfort me.

"Oh my god! Shut up!" I hit him on the back and he held my hand, as if it didn't effect him. Realizing what I've done, I had started crying, "Oh my god, Bruce. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-- "

"(Y/N), calm down."

The car had stopped and I was carried out by Bruce and put in a wheelchair. We were in Gotham's hospital now.


"(Y/N), it's a (C/G) (Child Gender)!!" You heard Bruce yell and a baby had started crying.

'Oh, god. I did it. I gave birth to a child,' you sighed to yourself before drifting off into a sleep.

You had a dream where the baby had been born, but you hadn't survived. Bruce's face instantly went white out of fear and started calling out for you, hoping you'd wake up.

When you awoke, the hospital room wasn't filled with noise and doctors, it was silent and Bruce sat in a chair next to you. He held your new born baby and you couldn't help but smile at the sight.

"Your awake! (Y/N), you almost died," you hadn't noticed Bruce's puffy, red eyes.

"What? What happened?"

"Well, when the baby came out, your heart beat became slower. . .and slower. It became chaos, I was shouting, doctors were running all over the place. We thought you actually died. Luckily, the doctors saved you. I didn't know what I'd do without you."

"Can I see (Him/Her)?" You asked.

"Yeah," Bruce carefully handed over the newborn.

You held the newborn in your arms and you smiled at (His/Her) cubby, pink cheeks and short hair.

You were on the verge of tears. Not sad tears, but tears of joy. You were happy to say that you have a child and it was healthy. You never thought something this wonderful would happen to you in Gotham City. But it did, and you were grateful.

"Our first child," Bruce said grabbing ahold of the hand you weren't using.

"So far," you smiled at the baby then at Bruce.

Bruce instantly had the look of happiness all over his face. You knew he wanted another child, too.

"What should he name (Him/Her)?" He asked.

"How about (Girl/Boy Name)?" You suggested.

"It's perfect!" He instantly replied.

And, with that, you both had named your very first child. And there was more to come.

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