Curiosity Killed The Cat - REQUEST - (Deathstroke/Slade Wilson x OC)

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She needed to get a new start. She knew her life wasn't well from where she was. She moved to Gotham, for the new start she needed, wanted.

She wasn't surprised that Gotham wasn't everyone's paradise. It was dangerous but if there was one thing she knew, it was how to protect herself. As a weapon specialist, she knew how to use, clean, and fix weapons when needed. Phoebe Howlett was a unique girl - nobody was like her. The only thing she had in common with another person was that she had a mutation like her father.

Logan Howlett, Wolverine, had only one daughter. It was Phoebe. Like Logan, she had admantium claws and was able to heal herself. The only other mutation different was her controlling all four elements; fire, air, water, and land. She rarely used them, only when in danger. But with the life she had, she was always in danger - a reason why she needed a new start.

Logan was happy that he could relate to Phoebe so much as he did when she was a child. With her similar mutations, he taught her how to control, use, and contain them. And Phoebe wasn't the one to care for "girly" things - as Logan called them. She knew how to fight, look after herself, and control her powers.

But now, in Gotham, she didn't know anyone or anywhere to go to. She was prepared for anything, although she only stayed in a small apartment she rented out before coming to Gotham. It was a small, affordable place. But it felt homey to her.

Phoebe liked it here in Gotham. As dark and dangerous as this place may look, it really wasn't. Not for Phoebe anyway. Phoebe knew how to control dangerous situations and she wasn't surprised that Gotham was as dangerous as people make it out to be.

But on a day where she met a man, he had always been curious about her. She was hard to read, unpredictable even. She gave sarcastic replies and dishonest answers to the man. She figured out his name; Slade Wilson. And apparently he and an alias, Deathstroke. She had heard about him, Gotham's greatest assassin - even considered the world's greatest.

Though she wouldn't believe it until she saw it.

Slade had a low voice, she thought. He was tall. Somewhere over six feet. He had light hair and dark facial hair. She didn't remember how they met, but it involved fighting. She only remembered attacking a few people who were going to mug a girl who was definitely not older than eighteen. Of course, the girl had been too scared to even stay and thank Phoebe and, instead, ran home.

She knew she hadn't fought Slade though. She didn't know why he showed up. She didn't care either. After dealing with the men who almost mugged a girl she ran off before they got up from the ground.

Slade watched her from afar and thought about her, wondering about her past. Slade was a curious one, and one could even say intruding.

Now, Phoebe was at the docks. She was surveying men who were doing a deal, for drugs apparently. For one of Gotham's famous criminals. If there was one thing Phoebe needed to know, it was the criminals in Gotham. And there was a lot.

The deal was for Scarecrow and his fear toxin. She couldn't care less, though. If anything, all she wanted to do was stop the deal. But she thought moving in too quickly would cause a lot of commotion.

Phoebe was sitting upon a metal crate on one of the docks and she had her bow in hand, arrow drawn and ready to shoot. Her leather gloves gripped the handle of the bow tightly as she steadied her aim.

"You know, interrupting a deal could just get you killed. Especially with Jonathan," a voice said. Phoebe automatically knew who the voice was referring to.

Phoebe's attention hadn't been interrupted by whoever was talking. Her aim, focus, or grip hadn't faltered. She had simply looked to where the voice came from, but she hadn't moved her head. Her eyes went as far as they could to her right, to the voice, then back on the group of men doing the deal.

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