Gold (Red Hood/Jason Todd x Kate)

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Requested by @CreativeLilGeek

"The premise is Jason isn't having a great day and Bruce had pushed him to his limit. He is upset and hurt at the same time so Kate decides to comfort Jason because Bruce was being so mean."



She tries to run after him, but for someone his size, he was fast. Kate is already out of breath in a matter of seconds. Him and Bruce and an. . .argument. Nothing new, but this was the first time Jason had run off like this. Bruce was also in a bad mood so, he obviously was't in the mood to chase after Jason.

"Leave me alone, Kate!" Jason yells, without looking back. It's passed midnight, and it's raining. His heavy feet splash against the small puddles behind Wayne Manor. Kate wished that Bruce didn't have such a huge yard, with very little lighting.

Kate doesn't hear Jason's heavy feet stomping onto the grass, the only thing she can hear is her own breathing. She stops for a while, resting her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath. She almost laughs at herself. "I need to work on my cardio," she whispers to herself, standing up and stretching her back. Kate searches for Jason, using her phone as some source of light. Next thing she knows, Bruce is sending her texts over and over. They all included the same thing; Jason.

Where is Jason? Where are you?

I want you both to come back to Wayne Manor now.

I need to speak to Jason.

That'd be great! Only if I knew where he was so I can bring him back!


You made him run off.

You should be the one out here, not me.

But I doubt he wants to see you right now.

Kate ignored his texts after she hits send. She continues her search for Jason. She follows the gravel path, shining light on the small bushes - just in case he was hiding in them. Kate was upset with Bruce too, from the way he's been treating Jason lately. Jason stays up late, practicing moves and trying to improve but Bruce doesn't even consider thinking about it. He is underappreciated by Bruce. All Jason wants is to impress Bruce, but he never succeeds. Most of the time, Jason kept it to himself - trying to work harder. But now, he's become irradiated how Bruce doesn't notice his hard work, and always gives him slack.

Jason already had a bad day. This made it a bad night.

"Kate?" She hears a few sniffles. Her heart almost stops. Jason's voice sounded so soft, and so broken at the same time. She points her light to Jason, his eyes squint. His cheeks are pink, eyes are red, and his hair is wet. He looks so sad. And Kate fells so sorry for him.

"Jason, I know you're angry-"

"I'm hurt, Kate. I can't take it anymore," Jason interrupts Kate. His sad voice hurts her. It's silent for a while, she can't find anything to say. She watches tears pour from his eyes. He doesn't even wipe them away. He hates to cry in front of Kate, but he can't help it. He's held it in for so long.

Kate turns off her light, and sits next to Jason on a bench that says Wayne Enterprises on it. They sit in complete silence, and darkness, for a while. She grabs his hand. It's warm to his. His hands are ice cold, yet he hasn't shivered once.

"It's going to be okay, Jason," She says. Though, she doubts it as well.

"How so, Kate?" He turns his head to hers. His eyes search for any possible answer from her.

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