Harder They Fall (Deathstroke/Slade Wilson x Reader)

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Slade was falling for her. He was falling for her bad. Ever since he laid eyes on the (H/C) haired girl, he knew he was in love. But he was afraid. Afraid of rejection and humiliation. She wasn't like any other woman Slade had one-night-stands with. (Y/N) had respect for herself. Slade knew she wouldn't give him a chance fr a one-night-stand. (Y/N) didn't roll like that.

As for Slade, being an assassin wasn't the kind of men (Y/N) went for. So, he kept his distance. For awhile, anyway.

He couldn't help it. He saw (Y/N) as the most beautiful girl in the world. And he wanted her. He wanted her so bad that'd he'd kill the next man trying to get her.

"(Y/N), is it?" He walked up to her in a diner.

"Hmm?" She looked up to see Slade. In a dress shirt with rolled up sleeves and black jeans that (Y/N) took appeal to.

"Can I join you?" Slade was nervous. For once, he actually wanted a relationship that didn't end with one of the two running away.

(Y/N) nodded, sipping on her milkshake. Slade also nodded, in response but he then realized he hadn't explained how he knew her name. Sitting down, he decided to create a lie.

"You're a regular, the waitress told me. She said you always sit here by yourself and order a milkshake. She told me your name and I decided to join you," it wasn't fully a lie. It just wasn't how he found out her name. Slade had simply looked her up, found out her social media pages, things like that, even a criminal record but she didn't have one.

"And why did you want to join me, may I ask?" She smiled, her white teeth showing.

" I just-- You looked lonely, in need of a friend," Slade gave a smile but it came out as awkward.

"You stutter a lot," she teased.

"I didn't notice that I was."

"I did," another sip of her vanilla milkshake was taken by (Y/N). She liked Slade already. His shyness and awkwardness was cute to her, but (Y/N) knew it wasn't his real personality. A man in a dress shirt with rolled-up sleeves and an eye patch wasn't a man who was shy. If anything, (Y/N) thought he was hiding his personality.

The both of them didn't speak for awhile. (Y/N) finished off her milkshake and Slade's eyes didn't stray from her face.

"So what's your name?" (Y/N) had asked. She smiled had him, she liked how embarrassed he looked. It was sort of. . .adorable to her, another thing to add to the list.

"Slade. My name's Slade," he had a some-what smile in his face. Maybe now he was warning up to (Y/N)? (Y/N) likes Slade's smile. It was heartwarming and could make any girl melt. (Y/N) sighed.

"I've never heard a name like that. I like it," she responded. (Y/N) eyes locked with his for almost a second, before she looked away and blushed that is. Now, it was her turn to be shy and cute.

She didn't have anything else to say, so see tried to avoid eye contact and just enjoy the sounds of the diner. The sizzling of food, the clicking of waiters and waitresses shoes, and the sound of Slade's breathing.

It was one of the quiet days. It was raining, not many people were brave enough to walk in the rain to go to a diner - unless they owned and drove a vehicle. (Y/N) was the natural type. She liked the outdoors, long hikes, and even collecting rocks. She was quiet, she liked spending time by herself, reading near a warm fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa, and she even liked going out in the rain.

"Have you ever heard the saying the bigger they are, the harder they fall?" Slade suddenly asked.

"Why, Slade, are you calling me fat?"

"What-- ?! No. I didn't mean it-- That's not--"

Slade tried to say what he wanted, which was: I didn't mean for you to take it like that. And I think your perfect the way you are. But little did he know that (Y/N) was pulling his leg. A simple joke.

"I'm joking!" (Y/N) laughed.

Slade looked scared. Like he had just ruined his chances with the most beautiful girl in Gotham and she wanted to end his life. He got frustrated with his choice of words and wished he hadn't even asked the stupid question in the first place. His cheeks turned a bright pink and he rubbed his forehead like he was sweating a lot. He wasn't.

"Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel like that. It was a joke, I swear," (Y/N) apologized. As much as she wanted to laugh and hug Slade for being the cute shy-guy that he was at the moment, she didn't. She had on a lop-sided smile that made her look confused and happy at the same time.

"No, it's my fault. Really. I just-- I'm not usually like this," Slade shook his head. "I guess being around a pretty girl makes me nervous."

(Y/N) blushed and wanted to hide her face. She was getting so many compliments, she couldn't even fathom counting them. She mumbled a thank you.

"And. . .what I meant to say was that I've liked you. For awhile, now. And don't think of this as weird, because I don't want to lose you when I've just met you, but I've seen you a couple weeks ago - I can't stop thinking about you. I can't stop thinking about how your (H/C) coloured hair blew in the wind that day or how the outfit you wore that day made you look so cute. And you were by yourself that day, and the other days, so it was obvious you didn't have a boyfriend or partner and--"

(Y/N) interrupted him, a small smile on her face. "Slade."


His eyebrows rose and his lips parted. He was confused, worried, and shocked that he had just confused his feelings.

"I know how you feel. I could have let you go on, as much as I like hearing you say those nice things, but I have something to say, also," she crossed her arms on the dining table and looks at Slade with a stern look.

At this point, Slade thought he was doomed. He knew what was coming, the rejection, the disgusted face of 'you were stalking me?!', and the slap in the face he thought he deserved. But none of that came. The complete opposite, actually. (Y/N) smiled, her face lighting up with excitement. She reached for Slade's hand and gripped it tightly.

"I'm so happy you admitted that. I don't think you noticed but I had seen you that day. You were wearing a white suit and I thought you were a business man. And I've felt the same way ever since."

"And you just played it off cool like you hadn't known me??"


Slade wanted to face-palm but he was to happy to do so. He smiled instead, squeezing (Y/N)" hand. He liked the touch of her soft skin and how her hand fit perfectly in his.

"I'd like to have a first date with you, (Y/N)."

"What's this, right now, then?" She countered.

"A meet. But I want an official first date. Where you agree to go on one when I ask you. So, will you go on a date with me?"

"I will, Slade. An official first date. Oh, gosh, this seems so professional," (Y/N) sort of squealed and Slade chuckled at her reaction.

He knew he was going to like her. And he knew there was more than a one-night-stand with (Y/N). And she knew it also. This was her first date, after all. And she hoped for Slade to be her first boyfriend.
Well, I'm back from the dead. I'm back home now (I had actually been home since last week but lmao I didn't update) and I'll probably update more quicker (??), if that makes any sense. But yeah.

I'm working on some other crap too like the fifty million stories I have in my drafts and the two official fanfics on my profile (which are published and you should totally check them out of you already haven't). And school's been a total turd blossom and I have a lot of work to do.

It's also spring break. I'll probably just write and do homework. And play some viddy games of course.

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